Post Ewan McKenna

He’ll follow this up with split Dublin in two barb …

A great man

What ? The manager wasn’t there? How many players were there ? Whats the quorum needed for it to be classed as a training session ?

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Dublin players so in tune as a unit that even when they go out for a run by themselves they end up working cohesively as a team.


A Beacon of common sense

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It’s probably a bad sign that the very first thing I thought when I saw this story was “This will make Ewan MacKenna’s head explode.”

A few lads were kicking a ball about in a football pitch. Lets get the guards to investigate. For fuck fucking sake.

Yes, they shouldnt have been out training. But who gives a fuck really? They get a head start. me bollix. Sure every team is out training, whether in groups or just on their own. Dublin are getting fuck all advantage by a couple of them in a pitch doing a few drills. Front page headlines with a load of sub columns on it too. Over lads out side playing ball. If there is a definition of over reaction, then this is it. Down and Cork were caught, same punishment, ie fuck all as it makes fuck all difference. Tell them to cop on and just wait a few days til its “allowed” again. An absolute joke of a situation. The amount of idiot papers in the last while going for their big scoops and making a complete fucking balls of it.


First they came for the Master in The Coombe and I said, shur twas grand.

Then they came for the CEO of The Beacon, and I said, shur twas grand.

Then they came for the All Ireland Champions, and I said, shur twas grand.

Really its just grand.


be zen pal, its all grand. we’ll get our vaccines and our 7 in a row.

I was onto Chedd there, he’s pulled all activities this weekend. The lads are off up the Slieve Blooms on Mountain Bikes instead now.


even Ewan is starting to row back.


The pandemic is under control in Ireland. If there was a functioning Government in the country the GAA could have made representations about restarting training. But there isn’t . That’s why you’ll see more “stories” like this.

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Ewan doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going here.

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I dont think he wanted them arrested, so not sure its rowing back is it?

We need to get Leo back into govt lads.

I’ve no problem with teams getting in sneaky sessions I’m sure there are hundreds of examples of it. But fuck Dublin


Ireland is broken looking to cancel the greatest football team this country has ever seen. Our national sport. Our identity

A clown caught between attention-seeking populist guff about Covid and attention-seeking populist guff about Dublin football.


A hint of jealousy here. Never got recognised for your journalistic prowess yourself?