Post Ewan McKenna

So no story here but a huge story with the financial doping. Irelands most honest journalist on the ball again.

You’d want to have your evenings schedule cleared before posting the likes of that.


It’s like telling a Daily Mail reader that paedophiles are the natural prey of immigrants. .


Except for the bit where he originally tweeted negatively about it but then changed his mind and deleted tweet…

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As more details came to light he changed his position. An open mindset. As more details of the doping come to light you just dig in further.

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Or Maybe if he took a deep breath and actually done a bit of digging before commenting he wouldn’t have to delete tweets.

That’s the curse and magic of twitter. He definitely needs to count to 100 before hitting that button.

His whole Twitter performance really takes from his journalistic ability…

It does from a quality standpoint, however it’s the only reason he gets attention, and therefore gets media appearances. He attracts traffic, journalism is such a dying profession he’d be done without that and that comes mainly from twitter.



EMacK cannot write and cannot think. Paul Kimmage, appropriately, is his hero. If EMacK had hair, I suppose he would dye it, in homage.

Anyhow, people from Ballyhale tend not to be jealous of people from Athy, literally and metaphorically.

But see it all in terms of jealousy, if you wish, which is the mediocrity’s prerogative.


That’s how he shall be known henceforth

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I agree with the sentiment of what ewan is saying and feel the two women getting criminal records for this is ridiculous but this is what drives me mad about his fake news style of journalism. He says golfgate got minor scolding and gerards refuse to comment. In fact the whole country was up in arms for a week about golfgate and calleary had to step down as minister and Phil hogan lost his job. Gerards also apologised as far as I know.
Whether they should have been punished more is a different question but what he said there is just not true at all

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No criminal records for the establishment lads though…if that isn’t a fair point we may as well quit altogether


Bar Hogan, who in Golfgate got a bad public doing. Calleary was being defended to the hilt up in Mayo. Losing a minister role is hardly that big a loss for a career politician in the game for 20+ years.

The only one got a bit of a public flogging was Phil Hogan due to his sheer arrogance to refuse to buckle and acknowledge he did any wrong.

That is definitely a fair point. But why does he need to make it by lying and exaggerating on the other points. Just does his credibility no favours

Because there’s such a contrast between getting a criminal record and what happened to the others? There’s really no comparison.

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He could have listed out the controversies and said why are the only people to get criminal records from these High profile breaches of covid rules the two working class women?
It’s classic fake news stuff. If I hadn’t googled gerards and found a clear apology rather than a refusal to comment I would have thought it was true

Exactly but why the need to lie about what happened the others. His point had merit without exaggeration

It seems you are getting caught up in the minor detail rather than the general message.

If you are really worried about fake news, then look at the more official and established sources like RTE, The Times and Irish Independent which would make Goebbels blush.