Post Ewan McKenna

I blame the kardashians


Middle aged men criticising young women for how they act, look and dress and being bemused that fashion has moved on from when they were young in the 1980s. See no problem with them being locked up because sure they’re the rules.

Same lads wring their hands about the Magdalene laundries and it being a stain on Ireland.

The attitude that allowed the laundries is the same attitude of intolerance and judgment.


They don’t always get it right

Would you ever cop on to youself… Is your name Brenda or Karen – to chime with the idiom so beloved of OIUTF TFKers like yourself?

You are the sort of ladeen who thinks he can sandpaper with a j cloth.

I think Kirstie is a grand woman, if probably fairly harmless. I hope she gets on okay, in the end, since she has offspring to mind.


And I look forward to seeing yourself and Dr Dolores Cahill, carrying placards that say ‘Fwee the Dubai Two!!!’, at the head of a large crowd in Dublin city centre. Laughter is the best medicine – and maybe even a class of a vaccine against eejits.

Is it the saxophone you play in the Bugs Bunny Orchestra? Or the flute?


I wonder are the LITDF advocates on here comfortable having infamous double-murderer Malcolm MacArthur batting on their side?

I’m ok with that… he has a right, and some would say a duty, to make up for the past. He’s saving lives now.

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Lobbying for FF I’d say.

Bob Dylan sang, played a mouth organ and played the guitar. Your dullard verbosity is the drum on his back.

Breathing not seething. Simplify to amplify.

What’s up Doc?


Look, you are a lad on the internet lionizing two wans who went to Dubai for nefarious reasons. The fuckwittery and sheer childishness of OIUTF finally found its truest groove.

Run along now and ball the j cloth in your fist and throw the j cloth at the wall. Look at the big dent it made!

You will feel great, because you always feel great.

The reasons the two ladies travelled to Dubai are completely irrelevant to the issues at hand.

Nice bang of classism off your post too.


The enemy of democracy and freedom is arbitrariness.

These women are locked up but plane loads of other people who arrived in last two weeks are not.

Preventative detention. For their own good. Scrubbers.

What “classism”? That craic is just another Brenda and Nuala Magdalene Laundries job. I thought OUITFers despised the squawks of Brenda and Nuala. But I guess ye are so dizzy from going round in circles that confusion is the natural upshot.

The reasons for travel could never be irrelevant. Be blind but try not to be, same time, quite so stupid. Ye have made fools of yereselves, predictably. Live with it.

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I think it is most unkind to call them “scrubbers”.

Then again, you are a j cloth kind of guy.


Wash up Doc.

What do you think they were actually in dubai for Malarkey? There are a few fellas skirting around the issue saying it’s plain as nose on your face or the tits on their chest but sure you might as well just say what it is :man_shrugging:

You really are an awful fooleen.

Mind yourself. Dizziness can be a symptom for lots of ailments.

Could anything be less entertaining than @Malarkey and @TheUlteriorMotive trying to out-intellectual each other?

Two bald men fighting over a comb.

Pretty much where this thread has gone since our lord died and rose for us.
