Post Ewan McKenna

Look, you know I cannot say anything. But surely the whole picture is obvious… Why were they '‘arbitrarily’ stopped? Childish lads are gas. So predictable, exactly like a child.

Nor do I want to say anything. There are three children in the picture with those two women. So you would hope things work out some way well for them, if only for that factor.

If certain lads had a titter of wit, they would have known far better than to open their flank by adopting two people as their heroines – while pretending into the bargain they just love the working/under class. Most of the OIUTFers despise anyone who has not got 22 houses and six cars. I wonder how many rugby matches Kirstie and Niamh have attended.


Ah, there could, in fact.

Namely: you squawking like a Bruala.

Southsider on the wrong side of the tracks again…

Wake up bro.

The I know you are but what am I response. Top drawer put down in fairness to you.

I knew a girl who went for a boob job once. She went from flat as a pancake to slightly less flat as a pancake. I didn’t understand why she would go to all that trouble and expense and just get a tiny pair of tits, I mean if you’re doing it why not go all out and get a right pair of melons, that’d be the way I’d look at it anyway but she was happy out so I never said anything

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Those two pair of tits were untouched, surgically.

I know a girl who got them done as a present from her parents …really odd.

They are a great boost for a ladies confidence by all accounts

They’re a big thing for those on the medical card after the first few nippers. They claim the saggy tits are giving them depression and get a freebie job off hse

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I know a girl who got them reduced. Reduced, imagine.

Small and perky are better than big and floppy.

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Jaysus they were grand.

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Finally our taxes are taxes are going to cause all of TFK can support. Lighting up tit Monday for the entire country.

They’ll be getting the bums done next …

The misogynists are never far away on TFK.

The only tit they’ll see regularly is the one in the mirror

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You called this one wrong, please toddle along.

You not gone crying to the mods again you Snecklifter simpleton.

I am a MOD

The Labrador of the forum. Sniffing underpants. A harmless oul sort once you know your place.