Post Ewan McKenna

The irony. You should start a campaign for everyone to @ him regardless of subject or relevance

He already got great content and Twitter impressions out of the :+1: meme

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47 in ICU

Tweet deleted

And its back

Very poor research from an award winning journalist.


Fair play to Ewan, holds himself to incredibly high standards and willing to accept when he’s wrong.

If that was on tfk he would double down tell you you are reading it wrong and point out the hypocrisy of not including the 32 county numbers

Ewan has a crack INTERNET team of FACT checkers working for him.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy ?


Crack team. Not ‘cracked’ team.


How is Ewan making a living when he spends all day on twitter?

He uses Twitter to build a following for his subscription podcast

You’ve an obsession with how Ewan makes a living.

Ewan deletes more tweets than Brian Stanley. High standards me hoop.

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A man should be able to self analyse. I dont follow Ewan or Stanley, is he as bad as Ewan?


Would you think of him and Ewan at the same time much?


Its basically an essay on every interaction on here fornthe last 12 months. Marvellous.

Is Mike1546332346453 @mikehunt.

"those doing well suggested the roaring 20s would follow when in fact vital services were going to be pulled and the real hardship was awaiting.” roaring 20s I believe that’s something @Thomas_Brady has said a few times, I am open to correction.

I have compared the situation to nazi Germany several times.

“So if people said the media lied and had agendas and bias, if they said Vitamin D could be used to help your immune system a little to fight this, if they said this would all lead to a vaccine passport just to have the right to travel, this was conspiracy and disinformation and made you a Nazi” @glenshane our alternative medicines expert was calling for vitamin D for months

It would be great if this was a comedy sketch and not real life