Post Ewan McKenna

Take a break, pal.

Reassess things, come back a better TuM.

Does anyone know a particular photo of the young Patricia Highsmith?

A case in point. A ravishing young woman but always a horrible person.

Another one after breaking, he’d been doing pretty well up to now.

The strong always fall hardest.

Dropping off dosh with the diddy diatribe a decoy of deception


Jaysus @Malarkey , you can’t even talk about tits without getting all high fillutin’

Your hardly comparing these too gimps situation to that of the poor helpless women who were at the laundrys


Google the photo… Not highbrow…

And nsfw – not that such matters at moment…

He is you know.

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I personally don’t see it myself but each to their own.

Hubba hubba!

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What did Scally actually say?
I had the radio on then, wasn’t paying an awful lot of attention but don’t recall that. and it’s the kind of thing that would get my attention if put as bluntly as that

Well he’s retweeting that vaccines are not enough.

He’s a zero Covid advocate

If he did actually say that will be a nice clear blow to nphet credibility. Ewan has form for making stuff up and exaggerating though.

Ah I know who he is and what he stands for.
Just wondering if you heard what he actually said, ‘new variants dodge the vaccine’ seems an odd thing to say without evidence

I didn’t hear it.

We are already using Paul Reid


Lovely hurling


Ewan really should ha e @‘ed him there.