Post Ewan McKenna

Laura Whitmore has gone after some Mail on Sunday entertainment hack on Twitter and tried to get a pile on going. It’s been met with plenty of resistance. Ewan has stepped in with a venomous attack on Laura, mentioning her “girl power” ad for women to join the british army and all sorts. This could take on a life of its own.


If Ewans agent was any good he would have told him lock away the phone when on the gargle

Just saw that. A bizarre intervention. The type of thing he could easily just ignore and it wouldn’t cause him the slightest anguish but somehow he’s apoplectic.

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In fairness Whitmore is getting a pasting in her replies, mainly along the lines of at least the journalist is fact checking before publishing

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Whitmore is no Terry Wogan (RIP).

Ah yeah I don’t really have any views about her post at all. It’s all a bit pointless and vacuous. But the rage exhibited by Ewan seems entirely disproportionate for a “story” that really doesn’t impact anyone without a vested interest in it.


Its a bizzard hill to plant hes flag on. Its on my list of who really gives a shit

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Grown adults responding to celebrities on Twitter trying to be their fucking friend is nauseating.


Ewan needed to be managed by Jim McGuinness. He would have retained the same ultra-defensiveness but at least he would have had his phone taken off him.


You should stay out of the Liverpool thread. Grown adults acting like gobshites daily, even hourly.

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We post what we want


In general I agree with him a lot but he goes on some ridiculous rabbit holes

Ewan ended her there

You are a horrible bastard stop posting here you cunt

SEAN will never make it on the INTERNET like that. You have to take a side and dig in bitterly forever.


And he would have at least one victory over the Dubs too

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She seems like a complete narcissist tbf but Ewan has gone completely overboard.

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The internet is a serious business

Ewan was fair drunk last night. He was throwing digs all over the place.

Although that Laura Whitmore thing was a strange twitter interaction. She going mental that a showbiz writer requested a comment from a celebrity. And the former MTV entertainment reporter and current Love Island host thinks that the journalist should focus on more important matters.

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