Post Ewan McKenna

A lot to unpack there right enough. Above my pay grade

You must be on the minimum wage

This past year? Not even…

Yeah the quality of your posting gives it away.

Aye. Kick a man when he’s down mike.

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It’s my party piece. I’ll send you up a box of bueno. That’ll keep you going for a bit

There’s nowt as quare as folk

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They’re trying to do him a favour

Maybe its a new breathalyser function


Someone please get @twiceasnice97 to explain the advantages of typing ‘fuck’ thusly ‘f*uck’ to him.



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He’s a tweet before reviewing kinda guy

That’s not a six cans of lager tweet, it’s something a bit more out there.

I think hes genuinely in the middle of a breakdown

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Yep, you’d imagine there are signs of other substances there alright. Portugal would be like a sweet shop too for a bit of personal…
Is he saying MU doc is a bit of a king leer down in the university? How in the jaysus would he know that.


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Ewan has always been a "shoot first, ask questions later’ kind of guy.

Ewan is out defending that half wit Aisling O’Loughlin this morning. Actually he’s not quite doing that. He’s attacking the criticism of her. It’s like his defences of John McGuirk and all these other nuts that he pretends to be skeptical of but he just can’t stop defending their right to voice their opinions. He’d be better off making the full switch to the right instead of this nonsense.