Post Ewan McKenna

What’s he on about?

I habint a clue man

I couldn’t make head not tails of the backchannel jibber jabbar.

Here @Ewan

Wtf are you on about?

He’s coming home
He’s coming home
Ewan’s coming home

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He has to find the money first


The Restauranteurs’ Revolution. Let them eat Confit de Canard.

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If Covid ever fucks off what will this poor misfortune ever do for himself.

Play pool??

He’s a real hard-man with that keyboard.

Great tobsee what happens when a man gets to go to a bar, have too many drinks and use twitter. Tremendous

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Qewan is behind the hate ball.

He surely has family or friends thst could try make him see sense .’

He will find it bloody hard to get work in main stream media again

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Breakdown incoming,the poor fucker.

He’s never going to work in MSM again. If he’s lucky he might end up working in an Irish bar in Porto or something.


Ewan genuinely should have signed up here. He would likely have been forced to develop and defend his opinions in a way that can’t happen in a meaningful way on Twitter. The way Twitter is designed with its short messages is a demon for lads like him, they start with snappy “tell it like it is” hot takes to get attention, develop into performative certainty and conspicuous displays of total moral clarity, as the inevitable hypocrisy gets called out it by others it develops into anger and cognitive dissonance, then it descends into furious argument and insult against all comers, then it sinks into conspiracy theory and full meltdown.

At least if he’d been doing it here he would have been doing it anonymously.

And I think he would have met with more challenge which might have had a glimmer of a chance of preventing his tailspin.

As it is he has a small army of sycophantic followers who are doing nothing but fanatically egging on his descent into a personal hell.

I’ve left in a few baited nuggets there for @Tank to get his teeth into and come back with zingers which will get 11 likes.

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(We could have saved @Ewan …)

@Cheasty pal, I am very offended by the notion that I would ever farm for likes on here. When have I ever kicked another poster’s hole or made a post just for the sake of a few digital hearts?

I guess one “nugget” was the phrase “egging” - a layup for a reference to Egghead no doubt. And the reference to meltdowns - I dont know, posters who have had meltdowns? @HBV maybe?

Anyway good night. We’ve had a hard day’s internecine and although I would never dare to issue guidelines on another poster’s health maybe you should get some shut-eye before the next big day tomorrow. Marathon not a sprint, etc.


We could have saved Ewan, @Tank, we really could. I know we could.

You couldn’t save Sidney let alone Ewan.