Post Ewan McKenna

Ewan is getting stuck into Denise Chaila now, for no reason that I can comprehend, other than she played a gig
I’m sure it’ll appeal to his new found following though.

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Has he not brought NPHET crashing down yet?

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He’s a fucking eejit.

I don’t really know Denise - met her once or twice - but friends have worked with her and she seems an alright sort. Her crew are good lads. My mate was doing sound for her last night.


The only thing Ewan has brought crashing down is himself


She’s an easy target for Ewan’s base online following
Seems he doesn’t like that she went to a private school, he’s decided that she’d be afraid to go to Athy
Really bizarre stuff, is Ewan from the mean streets himself?

I could be making a massive generalisation but I don’t think too many Quakers in Ireland come from the mean streets


Her “crew”? ffs

Murli and God Knows. The lads who produce and perform with her

He wrote “I don’t see colour”.



wtf has columbus or the 4th of July got to do with an Irish singer at a pilot gig …

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Why would her wearing a t-shirt about such annoy you?

identity politics american crap. playing to the yankee doodle gallery

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But it’s yerself who is bringing the American “crap” into things by using a far right culture war narrative and saying that anything that challenges white supremacy should be off limits.


Hello Ewan

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she wore the tshirt. But i’ll give her this. She should DEFINITELY wear that t-shirt if she does a gig in Spain just to rile up the horrible right wing

And it seems to have wound you up something fierce. Her wearing the t-shirt was designed to do exactly that. It exposes the essential anti-free speech, white supremacist nature of the “anti-woke” cult.


Pity she didn’t highlight something closer to home

Good enough for you?


Sweet Jesus