Post Ewan McKenna

You’re like one of those lads giving out about people donating to charities in other parts of the world. “Look after our own first”. It’s not the jingoistic attitude I expected from you.

Yerra I’m half trolling as well though I have to say she could have used TD instead of MP in her latest track :stuck_out_tongue:

She could have. The TD would have been more authentic I suppose but I’d say she was aiming for an international audience.


What a lovely lady Denise is - talented, kind, intelligent, successful. No wonder Ewan hates her.


and good luck to her. The 2 boys have been doing trojan work as they’d say in west limerick . what happened the guy from Ennis, the DJ

John. Great great guy.

Last time I was chatting to him was a few years back and he was in Lisbon for a bit. Think he was doing some kind of psychotherapy MA or something as well.

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Ewan has dug a giant hole for himself, the only people who take him seriously now and fawn over him are the far right (racist/xenophobic) crew, he’s pandering to them now as he clearly craves attention and/or acclaim in any form.
He’s most definitely box office these days but it’s a bit sad to watch, perhaps his new buddy McGurk will give him a dig out, I’ve a feeling that Woolie may have backed off or been advised to, I don’t see them stroking each other’s ballbag on twitter these days, a couple of months ago I thought they’d get a gaff together.
Every day it’s something else, entertaining but seriously cringe.


Best of all he lives rent free on a lot of fellas heads on here

I wouldn’t have called throwing away your career and burning bridges with lots of your colleagues “rent free” but there you go. If his goal has been traction on TFK, and it is indeed a noble aim, he’s paid a heavy price for it.


That’s just silly TFK talk,
Ewan is a public figure now, I don’t follow many on twitter so my timeline isn’t hectic, he’s tweeting non stop so I can keep up, it’s interesting in a car crash way, I think he’s loathsome to be honest from his online stuff,
Rent free? Box office??? Come off it now, what does it even mean, if you want to support him go ahead



Gone from the music game then? He is an older bloke? Older than then anyhow ?

Ewan haunts poor auld Gil. I don’t get it meself but it’s funny to watch.

Is he still friends with Miguel?

Ooooooooft. Headshot. He’ll need to rebrand to @heyyouinthehearse


Johnny Doobs, as he used to go by, is about 39/40 now.

Still producing music afaik. Not sure where he is.

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Love him. Keep up the the good work

I see Ewan has been nicknamed sports Gemma :sweat_smile:


How to discredit anyone in irelsnd 101 refer to them as gemma


It’s a good one, he hasn’t quite reached Gemma levels but he’s far more prolific

Anyone care to ladybird today’s drama, Catherine Martin awarding millions to her buddies in contracts?