Post Ewan McKenna

The term is an inversion really for those gaslighters.

Not including @backinatracksuit in that group to be fair.

Oh Holy moly. That’s a headshot

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It’s a “headshot” if you believe that believing in racial justice equals being self hating.

I’m not really sure how anybody could make that link other than having a white supremacist mindset.

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Please let’s not have another topic ruined by another repetitive debate. I’ve moved the pseudo intellectual nonsense to a new topic where the participants are welcome to bore themselves. In the meantime the rest of us can continue with the important task of deconstructing Ewan’s psyche.


Ewan should have listened to his friend

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I am afraid my gifts do not include clairvoyance – especially where dumb people are concerned.

So you are a lad on the internet who wants to know whether another lad on the internet has an unpublished book about his person?

Ah sure, do not knock cancel culture altogether.

Cancel culture obviously means you get to have an opinion rather than getting to have a mere thought.

And what status in life could be worse than a gowl-obsessed lad on the internet, oozing with right wing pus.

You see the thing about reading is that you don’t need clairvoyance, you can just read what was written and answer the question or decline to answer if you don’t want to.

I want to know if you have written a book and what the subject was as a matter of interest. I didn’t mention anything about published at any point. You don’t have to answer the question or even reply to my post if you don’t want to. I’d rather you didn’t reply if you don’t want to answer the question.

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No, you do not. You are part of a freemasonry of mediocrity centred on having worked at the Sunday Tribune. End of. I see Declan Bogue thanked Kieran Shannon for editing his (quite good) book. That craic is like thanking Yoko Ono for singing.

Do you golf with PJ?

What in the fuck are you on about? :laughing:

You seem to think 90% of TFK is made up of journalists with an axe to grind against you. Am I still Vincent Hogan or is it somebody else you have me down as now?


Confused Always Sunny GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

I think that query is more aptly one you should ask yourself.

To think a perfectly rational argument got cancelled last night and this lunacy is allowed continue unabated.


Holy shit @Malarkey is cracking up.

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A Sunday Tribune freemasonary faction on tfk, all conspiring against @Malarkey no less.

That is an absolute beaut, unreal actually.


Do you think so?

Are you a journalist, that great thing, yourself?

Do you golf with Malacky?

I think he’s a weapon and the Sports Gemma thing is hilarious but his stance on lockdown is hardly far right. People call Paddy C Tech Gemma, it’s more to do with their respected meltdowns online than a political alignment.

Ewan is attracting a similar audience to what he always did, he just now happens to take a position you don’t like so you claim they’re all far right.