Post Ewan McKenna

This is an NUJ subforum

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No I’m not, although I did used to read the Tribune back when I was 12 or 13. I thought that Olivia Doyle was very funny but I’d probably think she’s shit now.

I also once met one of the former editors of the old papers and he was sound. He tried to sell me a Christmas hamper because that’s what he does now. He complained to me about advertiser interference with editorial policy and how the sector is doomed. Dropped a lot of names. It’s a shame I can’t think of his paper or his name because I might buy a hamper off him then.

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There’s a lot of morons who think everyone anti-lockdown is far right. The Great Barrington Declaration (which has proven to be mostly correct compared to the alternatives) has been signed by 43,605 medical practitioners and 14,806 scientists. In the crazy world inhabited by the ultra woke lockdown forever fascists they are all far right.


It’s easier to label stuff than face the fact that they have abandoned their own principles.

Labels like woke?


Woke is a catchphrase adopted by the progressive left, it is a badge of honor for them. Why would they be offended by it if they proudly claim it?

Go Ahead Reaction GIF

I’d rather be associated with the word woke than far right, wouldn’t you?

It has been repeated non stop that an anti lockdown position is far right. I just posted this on the other thread, a significant percentage want permanent travel restrictions. What political spectrum do you think they’re on?

I want no part of this shit show really and I regret very much I posted

Carry on


The Great Barrington “Declaration” was literally organised and issued by a right-wing think tank.

It is the Covid equivalent of the fake “declarations” organised by climate crisis deniers.

Only a moron would not recognise that.

Exhibit A.

You really hate your far right trolling being challenged, don’t you.

The nonsense you wrote last night was some of the worst you’ve ever written. It’s worse your getting.

Sorry mate I won’t be engaging with you any longer on social justice issues, as the forum is not mature enough for such debate. I would hate to see such a valuable poster as yourself banned again.

I’m pretty sure @Malarkey has posted somewhere that he has been working on a book. Fair fucks to him and the best of luck to him with it.


I’d love to read @Malarkey 's book, I’d say it would be very good. I dont like to see him wasting his talent arguing with the dopes on here.

Ah I reckon he only does that for a little r&r

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Well obviously you won’t be debating, pretty much the entirety of right-wing politics worldwide these days is an echo chamber for middle aged men who desperately fear any sort of progressive change. Right-wing politics worldwide has retreated into a safe space, so it’s only to be expected that posters of that ideology here do so as well. Plenty of them have already gone down that route.

He should engage all the ex Sunday Tribune journos on Twitter before assassinating them one by one

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@Malarkey on twitter would redefine epic. Knocking back a few whiskeys late at night, taking down a few egos.

I have other things to be doing late at night.

Like rereading Henry James.