Post Ewan McKenna

The plot thickens.

So he’s another Ryan Wilson then.

Francis is a prick, but the jurors in the this one have been unfair.

Honestly, I don’t know where to start with that. There are so many deliberate refusals to understand the situation that it seems utterly pointless engaging, but anyway.

Like, you start off with the question “is he mixed race or is he Welsh?” Is this for real? Smith plays for England.

You do realise that somebody can be mixed race and Welsh, yes? Cardiff contains one of the oldest if the oldest black communities in Britain. You call me a simple man. Feck knows what that makes you.

Your bit about Lee is staggering. It’s clear from what you say that you’re familiar with Skinner and Baddiel ridiculing him. What Skinner and Baddiel did was to single out a black player for ridicule based on nothing other than having a traditionally black hairstyle, which they thought was funny. It was straight out of the Enid Blyton playbook.

Your post is basically a not credible, gaslighting attempt to weave several deliberate refusals to understand anything in order to absolve not just Francis, but to de facto deny that racial prejudice exists or that it is a problem. It disregards past evidence of Francis’s prejudices, attempts to pretend that Francis had no knowledge of what the star player for Harlequins in the Premiership title victory and now a star player for the Lions looks like, and claims Smith is “too image conscious”, as if he had this coming to him.

You make no attempt to acknowledge that media both in Britain and in Ireland has historically marginalised minority voices, and mostly still does.

Your narrative is that those rightly demanding that their minority status be treated with respect - when historically it has not been - are the real oppressors.

This is an inversion of reality.

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Like, you start off with the question “is he mixed race or is he Welsh?” Is this for real? Smith was born and brought up in England and plays for England.
So…do we treat as such, or allow latitude for the likes of yourself to be triggered?

Your bit about Lee is staggering. It’s clear from what you say that you’re familiar with Skinner and Baddiel ridiculing him. What Skinner and Baddiel did was to single out a black player for ridicule based on nothing other than having a traditionally black hairstyle, which they thought was funny. It was straight out of the Enid Blyton playbook.
Many would see it as singling out a footballer. Not sure of Baddiel and Skinner’s racist history, but they are deemed pretty likeable and fair guys - would you sleep easier if these were cancelled too?

Your post is basically a not credible, gaslighting attempt to weave several deliberate refusals to understand anything in order to absolve not just Francis, but to de facto deny that racial prejudice exists or that it is a problem. It disregards past evidence of Francis’s prejudices, attempts to pretend that Francis had no knowledge of what the star player for Harlequins in the Premiership title victory and now a star player for the Lions looks like, and claims Smith is “too image conscious”, as if he had this coming to him.
I don’t understand your tantrum, you’re being hysterical and selectively grouping. He wasn’t being racist for gods sake. Anyone who is honest with themsleves know that. Is it exciting to see someone go down in real time on the internet? Course it is. Focus on the specifics of what excites you about this chat.

You make no attempt to acknowledge that media both in Britain and in Ireland has historically marginalised minority voices, and mostly still does.

The UK and Irish media champion minority causes. That’s the new currency. Have you not being paying attention?

Your narrative is that those rightly demanding that their minority status be treated with respect - when historically it has not been - are the real oppressors.
I genuinely feel sorry for you carrying this nonsense around with you in a pretend world.

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Sorry to interrupt here but Skinner and Baddiel have apologised for the Jason Lee jokes and said that they were part of a racist tradition. It would not be acceptable today, they agree with that and would not want it to be used to justify anything else.

Honestly, there’s a decent chance that Flanno was being deliberately racist. He seems to accept that he knew this player was part Filippino and he had a long history of making deliberately borderline remarks.

I’m not remotely annoyed that you’ve taken a contrary attitude to this issue, you post on TFK for Christ’s sake, of course you’ve taken a contrary attitude. I will observe however that you appear to have a bee steadily growing in your bonnet for the past few weeks now and maybe you should consult a bee keeper.

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You’re some dose of a woke cunt after typing that.Cop the fuck on to yourself and grow a pair of nuts.

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This is a fairly key point. Franno reckons he is a fucking sage who knows better than all when it comes to Rubby. Marcus Smith is one of the most high profile players in the last few months after almost single handedly driving Quins to the title in England against all odds. He is one of the most attacking and exciting players to have come through in England in years.

He’s also somewhat a cause celebre amongst the press because Eddie Jones didn’t pick him for ages. Its absolutely impossible that Francis didn’t know exactly who he is. I didn’t know he was half Filipino, in fact it have never even entered my head that he was mixed race why would I even be thinking about it sure… But I sure as fuck knew it wasn’t fake tan he had on him :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I don’t think Franno is racist. But you just cannot in this day and age make a comment about anyone’s skin colour. End of story. This is just example 1000 of Franno thinking he is hilarious and picking on players and having a joke at their expense.

You see the reaction on social media with all the players delighted this has happened to him. That’s because for 20 years he has used his column and media appearances to belittle players in an effort to have a laugh at their expense. He’s a bell end


What a load of wank from you.


You’re literally throwing a tantrum because Francis has rightly been sacked.

It’s blatantly obvious you think anything which affects people of colour is “a pretend world”. And thus that is exactly what you are living in, a pretend world of fake victimhood.

I asked you to “make a defence” of Francis because I knew you’d come out with the usual hackneyed, delusional, intelligence-insulting, apologist nonsense that eejits like you come out with. And that’s exactly how it played out.

Disappointed Ewan has not called out the financial doping involved with the Limerick hurlers.

The difference with Limerick is its private money. The problem with Dublin is it was public and GAA money


Limerick is money that should be taxpayers money

The civil service would waste it


You’ll have plenty of time to do a bit of fundraising after today.

It must be comforting for Jamsie O’Connor to know that if the teaching ever goes tits up, hed get a handy job fiddling with knobs on a telly

The only thing I’ve recently went heavy on and argued with posters as esteemed as yourself on was Naomi Osaka. I thought her complaining was out of touch with reality, and it turns out she had a heavily-paying Netflix show to promote. Maybe I’m older than you, but this stuff is fairly easy to spot these days, from far out.

I support Naomi Osaka because press conferences are a load of bollocks and I instinctively identify with a grump.

Completely. I’m with you.

It’s just a bit sad when we watch live sport from now on and there’s 87 checklists of what’s OK and what’s not to say, that’s something that will be cherished for in the past, and it’s kind of sad it has to be so recent past.

Good luck to him

But what about all us ex-tribune sports journalists who hijack names from previous GAA forums?