Post Ewan McKenna

That’s what she replied to I think, he then replied to her tweet and deleted it.

Not like Ewan to delete one of his own tweets


He’s back

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Corr as in Andrea Corr?

Surely Jim is “political Corr”.


Ewan has an awful problem with the young ladies - Denise Chaila etc

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Is Ewan an asexual?

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He tries to be hard hitting and to cram in load of insults into his individual tweets. But he’s often let down by being a shit writer and the twitter character limit. Most of his posts therefore read like a random collection of words thrown together by a deranged cunt. Aside from tweeting Ciara Phelan, I see he also took exception yesterday to an inoffensive tweet by Holly Cairns about vaccine supply to developing countries. I agree with your shout @Tank - he’s a very nasty individual and I can understand why “Miguel” has cut him out of his life.


Ewan is on the rampage in the past hour.

I wonder how forthright would he be face to face.


After work pub.

Defending Franno an odd hill to die on.

Qewan has decided to go with the “racism is the real equality” angle. That’s the American “libertarian” ideology. It was awfully predictable.

I obviously and seriously need to re-adjust my thinking (Ewan is blocked out of my timeline) as I’m on the least self-ingratiating wrong side of everything lately. There has to be a defence of it allowed surely, or have we all lost our minds?

Make a defence of it.

A person referencing a very common trope about Welsh Lions players and shaving their legs and using fake tan. Mike Williams and Henson being the much discussed and very recent subjects on Off The Ball etc. Marcus Thomas? Not welsh?

I do realise this stuff is the only thing that gets you going in your current life and is probably a bit of a Friday gift. The drive to control speech is in full flight and people like you take your little temporary rush from it, as you’re not going to add to society in any tangible way. The longer term ramfications means media is controlled and everything gets about 200% shitter as is happening already.


I don’t know who Mike Williams and Marcus Thomas are. I presume you mean Mike Phillips and Marcus Smith.

The Oompa Loompas were characters from the Willy Wonka movie who were white actors caked in heavy tan make up.

Mike Phillips and Gavin Henson are to the very best of my knowledge not mixed race, they are white, and both were well known to be fairly heavy users of fake tan. I’ve no knowledge of whether Francis ever called either of them an “oompa loompa” but whether the term is to your liking or not it would be hard to make a case that calling either Phillips or Henson an “oompa loompa” would constitute racism.

Marcus Smith is mixed race and I would have thought fairly obviously so. It took me about a second to clock that Smith was mixed race when I saw him play for the first time. I don’t think it’s credible that somebody of Francis’s knowledge would not have known Smith was mixed race. A quick look at Smith’s face is a bit of a giveaway.

Surely you can see how calling Smith an oompa loompa because of his natural skin tone would not be taken well, and correctly so?

A certain former sports journalist who is very active on Twitter might want to take that on board too, because he’s now arguing it’s fine to ridicule somebody of mixed race based on their skin tone.

Neither is this the first time Francis has made remarks along these lines. Francis has previously said of France’s black winger Teddy Thomas : “How can you trust a man who wears a bun in his hair?” This was rather reminiscent of the Skinner and Baddiel Fantasy Football League ridiculing of black Nottingham Forest player Jason Lee for having a traditionally black hairstyle.

Francis singled out Bundee Aki as a “blow in” among the naturalised players in Irish rugby.

Francis’s views on the race situation in the US are far from progressive, to say the least, and he has a record of homophobic speech from 2014. He has been sailing close to the wind for quite a while.

You say “there is a drive to control speech”, as if this is all some kind of conspiracy and people like Francis are the victim.

The reality is people of colour or any other types of minorities based on race, ethnic background, sex, gender, sexuality or religion etc. rightly want to be treated with respect rather than be ridiculed merely for being minorities, and frankly, straight white men should shut the fuck up and accept that that’s the way it is, and should be.

Media has always been controlled. It has been historically and largely still is controlled so that voices of minorities, especially racial and ethnic minorities are sidelined or not heard very much.


It’s a bit harsh if Francis lost his job because he thought smith was wearing fake tan like Henson and James hook imo.

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The Oompa Loompas were characters from the Willy Wonka movie who were white actors caked in heavy tan make up.
I’m aware of that

Mike Phillips and Gavin Henson are to the very best of my knowledge not mixed race, they are white, and both were well known to be fairly heavy users of fake tan. I’ve no knowledge of whether Francis ever called either of them an “oompa loompa” but whether the term is to your liking or not it would be hard to make a case that calling either Phillips or Henson an “oompa loompa” would constitute racism.
But it does in this regard? I would allow the benefit of the doubt in assuming he’s welsh and Francis did, if he’s playing for wales - is he mixed race or is he Welsh by the way? Where do you drop the bib?

Marcus Smith is mixed race and I would have thought fairly obviously so. It took me about a second to clock that Smith was mixed race when I saw him play for the first time. I don’t think it’s credible that somebody of Francis’s knowledge would not have known Smith was mixed race. A quick look at Smith’s face is a bit of a giveaway.
That’s not first point in every evaluation of someone. He might have thought of him as a Welsh rugby player - like normal people would

Surely you can see how calling Smith an oompa loompa because of his natural skin tone would not be taken well, and correctly so?
But sure, that’s just deliberately missing the point - there’s every chance he didn’t

Neither is this the first time Francis has made remarks along these lines. Francis has previously said of France’s black winger Teddy Thomas : “How can you trust a man who wears a bun in his hair?” This was rather reminiscent of the Skinner and Baddiel Fantasy Football League ridiculing of black Nottingham Forest player Jason Lee for having a traditionally black hairstyle.
What’s your issue with these observations? Jason Lee was a very poor professional footballer who missed more goals than he scored. He had a hairstyle that was more eye-catching than his performance on the pitch. In your world, is this not allowed anyore to make comment to empathise with what people at home might be thinking?

Francis singled out Bundee Aki as a “blow in” among the naturalised players in Irish rugby.
He is a blow in. He shouldn’t be on an Irish team. That’s a rugby greed issue though. Rugby is not a good example of a sport that’s determined to be around for the long haul. It’s sold itself to money and is dying rapidly.

The reality is people of colour or any other types of minorities based on race, ethnic background, sex, gender, sexuality or religion etc. rightly want to be treated with respect rather than be ridiculed merely for being minorities, and frankly, straight white men should shut the fuck up and accept that that’s the way it is, and should be.

This guy was being ridiculed for being too image conscious (the Beckham hair reference seems to be have been dropped, so the pitchfork holding right-on yokels can enjoy their crumbs)

Media has always been controlled. It has been historically and largely still is controlled so that voices of minorities, especially racial and ethnic minorities are sidelined or not heard very much.

*You’re a simple man with no scope for thinking beyond the current, and your absolute need to be the current right side.