Post Ewan McKenna

Box. Office.

Many of us International Business Travellers to the US will have been familiar with Donie for years with his morning Tech news updates on CNN. Ewan appears to believe that Donie’s career only started with the White House invasion

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Christ, the man lives on twitter…

Surely rather than protecting his wife from knife wielding nazis he should close the laptop for an hour and talk to her


Gotta love the man.

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The late late is great to have back. I wouldn’t watch it at home and there’s Ewan in Portugal watching it religiously and spoating seethe on twitter. Rte should get marty morrissey and des cahill on it more too.


That’s probably one of the funniest things I’ve seen on here.Take a bow,son😂

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The wife up on the roof moving the ariel for him to get the best reception



She holds it in the right direction for the whole 3 hours. God forbid he misses the ad breaks as he doesn’t pay the liecence fee

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‘you can see where this is going can’t you Ryan’

No Ewan. No.

He really crammed some amount snigs into that tweet. Scatterguned it really. He’ll bathe in e-ire tonight. The cunt! :grinning:


You can’t be writing dates like that. Loses the reader immediately.

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Yeah, but love him or loathe him he’s never dull, even when he is a bit


Sad he’s writing for reprobates like us now though for nothing, rather than getting an invoice that you could end up just paying a paltry few % of tax on.

Maybe not sad though, as he’s a cunt. Much like his subject here, the sympathy is getting more diluted as time marches on.

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Oh lord.