Post Ewan McKenna

He’s some dog

@gilgamboa what did Ewan do mate?

He’s on a huge one tonight

is he on the gear?

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Cert to delete that

The job offer from Johnny Arse must not have come in yet.

nah, just can’t get over the fact he isn’t a star like Eamon Dunphy.


Headshot for @locke

Woolie desperately trying to get some publicity amongst Ewan’s followers…

Ewan has an awful horn for ‘liberals’ lately

Hi Woolie :wave:

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Course he does :rofl::rofl::rofl:

He’s too busy “doing his own resurch” to read books

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This is a man on The Edge

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Is that what Ewan looks like?

I’ve no idea what he’s trying to say here. I muted the cunt a few months back as his relentless craziness laced with stupidity and vitriol was too much (even for me). But to contradict myself, I clicked into the conversation with that ElaineSwan account and it made me laugh because Ewan is randomly abusing Conor Gallagher, the Irish Times crime journalist. Saying Gallagher’s stance on covid (i.e. to follow regulations) was because he’s a fat fucker and too lazy to lose weight. So he sacrificed everybody else in society etc etc. It’s just so fucking random. He’s off the reservation.


He’s genuinely crazy, completely un self aware, and with his large following of headbangers he’s probably a little dangerous as well, fuck him