Post Ewan McKenna

Ewan had a superb pandemic. Fair play to him for leaving “the reservation”.

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When ewan turned on Eamon i was done

Ewan and Miguel fairly got into it on twitter a few weeks ago. I doubt there friends anymore.

He looks like a lad making a video before embarking on a shooting spree in a supermarket.

Mad but also cynical. Knows he is an utter mediocrity.


That picture belongs in an article of which the final words would be, ‘before turning the gun on himself’


Wasn’t he Irish sports writer of the year ?

He was, but I think it speaks more about the paucity of opposition.

Looks like Chopper Reed.


He was, the year only himself and Malachy Clerkin entered.

Those awards are mostly a fix. PJ Cunningham favours (S)Indo lads.

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I don’t know him personally but he seems to have gone a bit mad in recent years.

My God, he has gone off the reservation

Go on

Ah lads, ye can’t help yerselves

Neither can you

I don’t folly him or post his tweets.

He has to get 1,000 posts in a day or he’ll be banned.

But you can’t help scolding those who do

I’m trying to help you grow

I guess the guys who’s entire lives are played out online gotta look out for each other :man_shrugging:

What’s Ewan done now?

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Here we go again. The other lad will be on shortly. Ewan haunts their dreams

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