Post Ewan McKenna

You’d for his sake they’re paying him to publicise them.

But I doubt it somehow.

Doubt it, they’ve blocked him :joy::joy:. He’s some lunatic.

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He has some hatred for Jennifer Caroll MacNeill , must tweet about her a couple of times a week.

Who doesn’t in fairness?


True but obsessing about her is a bit strange.

Could you blame him

Some lads are fair obsessed with Ewan.


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Imagine following a fella on social media that you don’t like.

Mind boggling. Life’s too short for such Craic. It’s like the fellas who’d follow Trump, I mean, why? Chances are if he says something worth knowing someone else will point it out anyway.

Just never understood it

Considering where it’s come from and how much time that person spends reading and passive aggressively interacting with the posts of people he clearly doesn’t like you’d have to say that’s a very bizarre comment

‘Life’s too short’ :joy:


I see the Examiner are hiring, I wonder would Ewan give it a shot and try get back into the mainstream?

Great point.

I repetitively have to tell my better half’s auld lad that I don’t really follow Trump so it doesn’t bother me.

If it’s the Belgorod Examiner he might have a shot at getting hired.


I ate in the bridge on Sunday afternoon. I’d a heap of pints but my mussels were absolutely lovely.

I thought the place was a bit of a Kip inside.



(cue…the cork wagons weren’t long circling type post)

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There was an absolutely astonishing lack of self awareness in that post he made,

‘Life’s too short’ :rofl:


With his 300th post of the day


He no more found 50 quid down the sofa than Shep. Better off not giving certain creatures oxygen

The Cork fellas with another ambush here