I’d be divesting shares in any of those Escape rooms type ventures right now if I was @TheUlteriorMotive. I’d be looking into setting up a new Five Lamps type stand in the IFSC if I was a ballsy guy #raftandcraft
What on earth is Surf Dock?
A couple of entrepreneurs set up a little ramp down in GCD to teach people to surf/windsurf a few years ago and it has grown into summer camps for kids, destination for office S & S days/nights, paddle boarding, etc. I gave them a few months at the time but they are doing pretty well by all accounts.
There’s a lot of lads e- jerking each other off in here… I’m not sure it sits right with me.
The rapids seems to be triggering a lot on twitter who feel its directly connected to the (not actually) homeless debate. When it’s not the funds we’re earmarked for recreational spaces.
The worst thing about this post is that you’ve edited it and thought to yourself, yep, that’s it, I’ve got it nailed now.
We’re opening next year. Bar is called Crafty.
Don’t be daft. Have a draught.
You don’t have to comment on every post on every thread. Especially when the comment is pointless.
You did better this time.
Point proven
It was. I chided you and it helped you in upping your game. History has shown us that when tribe elders would chastise the lower downs it would inspire them to improve and some day take on the elder. I’d love to see you develop in a similar manner. I believe in you.
The boom is back
4 billion of it on drink
And 1 billion on the Jimmy White.
Seems a bit unfair to go after him for €2
Irrespective of fair or not,both daddy and son are obnoxious arrogant bolloxes
You love to see it