Post your favourite meltdowns over President Trump's victory

Oh yes. Everyone, make this a thing.

You are a representative of the snowflake generation (or flock if you prefer). It’s not our fault that your lot can’t accept the fact that some people, maybe less (academically) educated than yourself might have alternative views that deserve to be listened to and maybe even accepted.


I completely agree with that (apart from me being generation snowflake perhaps). Not listening to people’s valid concerns (as opposed to views) is what led to many getting things so wrong on Brexit and Trump in their predictions and in everything else.

Exactly. I wouldn’t vote for Trump in a million years. I think he’s a buffon and probably a very mean nasty cunt. And I thought he had no chance of being elected. But he was. So now just get on with it.



A lot of people who voted for him largely feel the same… They know what Clinton is about, she’s a politician and part of the ruling elite…They’ve gambled on Trump . The system is broken, you can’t lash out at those suffering because of it. Hopefully this whole episode helps to restore republican values some bit and both parties learn to work together more.

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@anon7035031 when he first joined here was quickly regarded as a top contributor, that dissipated among the majority (some of us stayed on side) during the election when a few screaming mullallys were calling his election predictions off the wall and that he was out of touch with reality, but he has been comprehensively vindicated in recent days and should be very proud to have stuck to his guns against the ridicule from some doubters. He rightfully has his place now as one of the top, top posters on this site (unlike that weirdo who constantly self describes himself a top, top poster. Bustyourballs I think he goes by, I don’t remember).


@anon7035031 is in charge here.

He fairly sent that busted flush @Sidney home with his tea in a mug anyway.


He truly is our new overlord.

He shot his e-load all over @sidney.


Just to be clear…did Labane not give Trump next to no chance before the election as well?

He was more right than most but I still don’t think he predicted a Trump win

he never wavered, he never flinched, he never blinked


He said many times he thought Trump would win and a few dopes laughed him out of the building. Fellas standing behind printers in Oireland who think they understand America better than someone living there.


you couldn’t make itup

I know he said at times he thought he would won but by the end was he not thinking clinton would do it

Is @Sidney still posting here?

He was going to retire his user alias if Trump was elected President of the United States of America :us:

he’s a beaten docket

@Tassotti Is there asomething much groaning across the pond as there is over here?