Premier League 2017/18

I didn’t see the game today but they were excellent against Barca in the CL and are still in the FA cup

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Top four decided today? Be a serious bottle job for any of the three to let Chelsea catch them from here

You were that kid, coming from you of all people that is a brilliant post, fucking Walter Mitty :grinning:

Jeysuz, the pack mentality around here these days is unreal. It’s no better than Jobstown what’s going on. The snow has had a funny effect on you all. Back off @backinatracksuit like good lads. There are far worse pricks here.


They were a disgrace today…they’re gonna have to win the CL to qualify for next year… I’d say an element of that performance against Barca was players putting themselves in the shop window…they’ve been a disgrace in the PL, I’d say Hazard wants out anyway.

Thanks mate, the same few lads are at it non stop, I’m a big boy. Its funny right now though because two of them are the biggest spoofers on here


There’s been a lot of teams who’ve been a disgrace when faced with City. And its not the first manager this Chelsea team have tossed the towel in for.

That Chelsea squad should be competing with City, they were unbelievably bad today, probably worse than the end of Mourinho, they showed nothing and were lucky not to have been disgraced on the scoreboard.

53 points from 29 game is not a disgrace

He’s without doubt the biggest cunt on here.

They’ve been very very poor recently

Every manager has a bad patch

It would appear Conte hasn’t been happy since the summer. I’d say at this point, he’s pointing the entire ship at the Champions League and will ship out come the end of the season. I’d say he’s had enough of the shower of cunts. He’ll be back with Italy come the end of the season imo.

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Top 4 is done and dusted. City (winners, obviously) and Utd, Liverpool & Tottenham in whatever order.

Calm down, he’s only pulling your leg.

Which part of “every manager has a bad patch” suggested I wasn’t calm?

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No doubt, but Chelsea should not be battling tooth and nail for CL qualification now, they’ve picked up 8 points from the last 24 and gone from certainties to doubtfuls, they’re playing awful stuff,

Theyve thrown in the towel. Players strolling around the place since Christmas. The money they’re paid - it is disgraceful. The manager appears to have given up and the players are feeding off it… Sure they’ll put in a performance in the CL but it’s a dying sting.

Chelsea have only finished outside the top 4 twice in the last 15 seasons and in one of those seasons they won the European Cup. Disastrous man management from Conte to fall out like he did with Costa. Conte has spent the whole season complaining and making excuses. Maybe he should focus a bit more on just getting on with the job. He’s been found out badly in English Football this season.


He won the league with Mourinho’s team and has failed with his own.

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