Premier League 2017/18

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First time for everything I suppose.

Gold and Sullivan have left the ground after fears for their safety.
More shame for Hammers fans @Locke

Sir Trevor Brooking stoically refusing to leave the directors area despite the intimidation coming from 2,000 snarling West Ham scumbags. :clap:

A proper football man is Sir Trevor

Three goals and three points for Rafa’s Newcastle :clap:

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Can you stop following a team?

yes of course, I switched from Chelsea to Manchester City this year and it has a been a great success for me


Would you switch park benches as fast?


You can do whatever you want when you’re a figment of your own imagination

Cat got your tongue @Special_Olympiakos? Day of shame for West Ham.

your a very wise man. Great decision.

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What’s shameful about what happened today?

Your behavior on the rape thread was a lot more shameful than anything our fans did today

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Maybe if yer supporters bought your life partners more sex toys and lingerie there’d be more money going into the club

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Maybe if Liverpool fans weren’t murderers they wouldn’t be so detested



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Am I expected to be a spokesperson or something?
Our fans care they’re not a rent a crowd like the 10,000 who left Wembley at half time the other night when the scum were actually winning!

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Huh? Maybe you should reflect on your own attitude to rape and rapists.
Applauding Chelsea FC for paying ÂŁ50,000 to rape victim Gary Johnson to try and buy his silence and perpetuate the cover up of the rapist/paedophile employee.

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I made a conscious decision to stop supporting London Chelsea because of that