Premier League 2021-2022 (the Footix thread)

Salah’s toe nail

I started watching this about 24 minutes in. Up to the goal West Ham had nearly all the possession in that time and Manchester United were usually camped in their own box. The United team looks very disjointed. Now they have the quality to turn around and may well do, and as I write they have scored an equaliser through Ronaldo, but over the course of a season it’s hard to see how they don’t get pulled apart tactically a lot.

In the battle between systems and individuals, systems will nearly always win. If you have a gifted individual who doesn’t work, a Messi or Ronaldo, you’d want to make damn sure you have a team and a system which does the work to compensate. And I don’t think Manchester United, or PSG for that matter, have that at all.

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The big toe is not part of your arm.

It is if you’re from Tipperary


Poch a better coach tactically than OGS though.

Poch has even bigger structural problems to navigate past than Solskjaer. A forward line of Messi, Mbappe and Neymar is pure poison in terms of trying to implement a system. And Poch is a systems manager. I think PSG will ruin Poch. It’s no wonder he wanted out of there in the summer.

What Manchester United have is a huge squad with huge quality. But they have no system, a weak manager and huge, untouchable egos.

Liverpool have an untouchable manager, a great system and a small squad.

Manchester City have a strong manager, a system which is cut out for league football, a big squad with huge quality - but no reliable striker.

Chelsea look to have the most rounded package. A strong manager buoyed by success, a good system, solid defence, huge quality throughout a big squad, huge firepower.

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West Ham done out of a stonewall penalty there.

Lingaard on to sneak the win.

What a goal.

What a goal

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No VAR look there?

Ffs united denied a stone Waller and now shaw gives away one.

The VAR official bottled making the call there :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Don’t deserve much more than a draw anyway.

Yes take than noble

Oh Moysie

Did they bring on a sub to take a peno? :rofl::rofl:

Dave saves.

Poor effort, silly decision to have him take it

Moyesie mustn’t have watched the England-Italy Euro 2020 final.