Premier League 2021-2022 (the Footix thread)

He just doesn’t fit the system. I mean you’d think they’d have known that before buying him.

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Falklands War fucked us up as well. Couldn’t play Villa or Ardiles during run in.

War mongering Argie fuckers. At least we won that war.

You’ll still not beat 1989 for drama … Was it 8 games in 24 days or something like that for Liverpool.

Was that the one Prince Andrew was involved in?

I think you’ll find Diego won that one for the Argies.

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They’ll investigate that but not Liverpool conning the league with false positives?! Game’s gone


Liverpool had a league cup match postponed. At least get your facts right.

You’d wonder the benefit for players at that level


Reason why I support West Ham

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You would want your head examined to spend more than €30 million for a Serie A footballer

What yellow card was it

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Is that just some fella putting two and two together I wonder.

A fair few Irish rugby players were investigated after bets were placed on a horse during a game they were playing in.

They sold their accounts to a prominent owner with connections to the team.

Hardly illegal?

Oh Xhaka, you are such a useless bastard, in so so many ways

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