Premier League 2022/23

The title will be fought out in North London this season.

Looks like one of those soft seasons like the 90s when 76 points would do you.

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The lower the points total is surely a sign of a more competitive league ?

All teams much of a muchness. The great City and Liverpool teams flagging having beaten each other into submission for five seasons.

The boy wonder has found his feet. City are gonna steamroll the entire league

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Bench is a bit light. An injury crisis could scupper the season

You can’t call them great teams when they never won a league and a European cup in the same season.

That’s what the great teams do.

They’ll just call back the other boy wonder. Be grand

No one will tell me this team wasnt great. Your barometer is bullshit


Think city won the league 4 times out of 5 mate

You’re an astute observer of the EPL.

33 wins from the remaining 34 games will guarantee Arsenal the title so by the standards of recent title races they have considerable margin for error.

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That was a fine goal that Haaland got for his 3rd yesterday

City got very lucky with the Palace goal that was disallowed. It looked to have left the keepers hands.

Hard to see anyone stopping Lego Man and Woolwich.

Wolves goal overturned. Moan enough and the ref will change his decision these days. VAR is only a cod

It was a clear foul, had to be disallowed

Plenty of similar collisions all over the pitch, none given. But that’s VAR for you

Well I think this let it flow stuff is nonsense. Clear fouls not being given. It had to be disallowed



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