Premier League 2023/2024, why do irish people follow this farmers league

It’s laughable that Everton have had 10 points deducted and this Abu Dhabi state bankrolled oilmen haven’t got pulled up yet. Is the day of reckoning for their sportswashing/financial doping due anytime soon?

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No mate.

Great to see Reidy there enjoying his beloved City

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City have hired the Burke family litigators to make it go away



Champions of that World, of the World, Champions of the World

Surely the arabs will get theirs.

Kyler was unrale there tonight. But City are struggling still and need reinforcement.

Shane nailed it. Give the man a job.


Heath, Reid and ?

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Dunno, but the lady in light blue behind ready looks very promising.

She sees something she likes

Unsure on the third. All I could think of when I saw Reid was this

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Who is he?

Moyes behind the mystery man?

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Good spot. Heath looking fresh. The third isn’t Dave Watson? Tough centre half look about him.


Kevin Langley is my guess.

Ian Atkins?

That was a signature win from City tonight. Sean dyches is some manager to get that shower of shite anyway competitive

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Shaun Reid, Peter’s brother. Played in the lower leagues.