Presidential Election 2018


Fuck off.

Do we want Gemma on the ticket? I can make a phone call and sort it

looks like vinb was right all those years ago


Yeah g’wan for the laugh.

I’ll actually be talking to Mary Lou tomorrow night in Cork … i’ll push it then.

If you pm me the codeword I’ll do it.

Push what where?


hes going to mount jabba to get gemma on the ticket

Shoot to thrill.

Sure call her now and get it done. Time is crucial.

It’d be better craic if you could get Mary Lou to say yes and then row back on that decision because of pressure from unnamed sources

Jesus we really over pay our politicians.

You’ll have to push the doughnut cart out of the way first.

No need

Five anti-vax candidates in the field is plenty (I’m presuming the “Dragons” and Joan Freeman are anti-vax, they do all seem like the types that would be), we don’t need six.

Doherty is all over the place.

You don’t understand, they’re out to get her.