Presidential Election 2018

Will she wash down your lobby once she’s finished?

I vaguely recall the final episode of any series of The Oirish Apprentice with Bill Cullen and Jackie Lavin on TV3 involved the remaining three candidates being interviewed by Bill’s trusted business confidantes. I’m pretty sure PR guru Duffy was one of them in however many series were televised, and he played the bad cop role.

These candidates were invariably wankers with tickets on themselves but he used to really humiliate them and make them feel very small. And then he’d be all sycophantic giving the boardroom feedback to Cullen.

Seems like all his PR expertise couldn’t prepare himself when the shoe was on the other foot this morning. Any link to this RTE radio interview?


“Are you making it up as you go along” :rofl:

What the fuck was he thinking - he comes across as an absolute simpleton. Like a lad on a bar stool spoofing. He is running for President and talking about position papers on AIB.


Peak cuntishness on oirish tv was Cullen telling young people they should work for no pay .

PR is an “industry” that merits little scrutiny here which is a pity .

He once worked for sister Terri anyway if that’s what u mean?

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“It’s one of those collisions that almost didn’t happen.”

Ah yeah. There is no moron like a successful moron.

Like one of those near bankruptcies that almost did not happen to Bill and Jackie.

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O’Rourke was very good. First time hearing this show in years

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Like a cat playing with a mouse. He’s a top wireless broadcaster.

You’d imagine he enjoyed going out, stretching his legs and expressing himself this morning, so to speak.


O’Rourke even treated Duffy like a kindly uncle querying an errant nephew. Duffy flopped spectacularly.

O’Rourke 2-11
Duffy. 0-04.

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ah stop will you, his excuses for his driving were pure cringe

Just listened to that Liam Duffy interview while ating a few fish fingers (cc @Tassotti). Fucking hell, it’s incredible. A complete evisceration by O’Rourke.

Duffy is so rattled by the opening exchanges in respect of his motoring offences that it affects the rest of the interview. Actually I might be giving him too much credit - he would probably have embarrassed himself irrespective of that car crash opening (excuse the pun).

There’s a few occasions where he resorts to an exasperated tone when O’Rourke presses him on something. He was barely short of pleading “Ah Sean, come on, I thought we were on the same side.”

Position papers. :laughing:


“are you making it up as you go along” :joy:

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A fine Laois man is Sean

Oh my sweet jaysus. Shame on the councils that nominated that fartknocker.


SOR. You can’t say that. I’ll have to ask you to back that up.

G(Liam)D. Yu…Yoy…Yoy

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I had to check myself to see if I was awake and not dreaming for parts of it

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That was dreadful, O’Rourke had him rattled from the start
Liam should gracefully remove himself from the process.
Letting county councilors nominating candidates needs to be looked at.
Does O’ Rourke get to interview Higgins.
Could be very interesting

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I would hope O’Rourke asks Higgins about his driver.

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