Presidential Election 2018

That’ll be a draw I predict. Higgins, if tightened, will obfuscate with some oul’ lines of poetry or quotations from Heaney or Kavanagh to impress upon us how learned and clever the mini-fucker is.
An arrogant little bollocks.


Why hasnt anyone?

Its bizarre

omERTa of the Irish media

‘‘Twas the same with Charles J Haughey.

An Teach Mór

Higgins gets ratty when challenged. If SOR wants he can really draw blood there

It seems that she is the best chance to beat Higgins. I might have to swallow a bit of pride and give her a tick on polling day.

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Higgins will get an east ride from those fuckers in RTE.

Sure Rourke and rte are the Michael twee fan club.

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On the “Without Michael D” betting she’s second favorite @ 4/1 which looks decent value to me.

Gallagher running away with that poll at 4/6. Short in a 5 man race, tv debates still to come I presume.

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Sean is riverdancing ahead of the opposition.

Duffy riffing about having the energy to tackle Brexit and ability to forge important relationships in the UK:

Cocktails in the rotary club. :laughing:


he was making it up as he went along


I wonder has he ever seen a programme for a presidential visit?

SG has a lot of big assets but his big problem is that he is a good example of what I would call a “cuntmuppet”.


SOR had a list as long as his arm of motoring offences, yer man seem to think they were trivial issues

That is proper Alan Partridge stuff.

Is he having health issues?

When he injured that young lass it was the type of accident that was nearly wasn’t an accident.

She clipped him too.

He obviously had a tactic of trying to get out ahead of the story. For a planned move by a PR guru, he executed it terribly.

These guys are applying for a job and don’t know the constitutional limitations of the job . It is beyond comical .


he seemed to have no understanding of the role, it was unreal really, an unbelievable interview

But they’re going to end homelessness and poverty. Their own.

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