Presidential Election 2018


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But this had the advantage of meaning all his driving offenses were recorded under another name.

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Morning Ireland had a piece on Peter Casey campaigning around Limerick yesterday. In fairness the town appears to be full to the brim with utter simpletons.


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He fits right in there the little smurf

Liadh ni Riada handled all the “Was Gerry Adams in the IRA? Was he? WAS HE?” stuff with real aplomb on TV3 this morning. I think we’ll get our electoral expenses back. :clap:

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Are you serious? — The establishment absolutely detest SF :joy: they love the corrupt, inept, cronyism that we’ve had for over 90 years now — it keeps them warm at night.

What was that on?

TV3 this morning I’d say.

Is that the name of the show?


Good man.

Ireland AM. It’s a great show with Mark Cagney, Ciara Doherty (although she came across as a Fianna Fáil Donegal die hard), Aidan Cooney and the inimitable Alan Hughes. A mixture of news, politics, lifestyle, sport and entertainment every weekday morning between 7am and 10am.

Have you been enjoying some extended parental leave, pal?

No, mate. I have it on in the background when I’m pottering around the house before leaving for work.

Ireland at it’s best - the status quo maintaining the status quo… and how dare anyone challenge it.

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Reminds me of this - and the audience clapped Kenny at the end and not your man who was talking the truth.

its coming to an end choco, the audience gave the biggest cheer of the night at the debate to duffy for putting Claire byrne on her arse for being miggledys shill.

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