Presidential Election 2018

At this stage I have little interest in voting but if one of the cunts said they just want the job for the dosh , fuss , big house. , nice hotels etc I would be tempted to vote for them .

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What’s the story with his driver? Is Juhy double jobbing?

So he’s paying a rent boy out of state money?

That is sick.



49k?? In fairness would you even get that in McDonald’s?

Saving 20k in rent though

Unfortunate photo

Think the story (his name’s Liam and he committed a load of motoring offences) was broken by the Irish Mail on Sunday last weekend but open to correction. In that case you’d think he’d have been better prepared to answer it. I reckon he wasn’t expecting that type of probing interview at all.

On the basis of what difference any of them have made to society Joan Freeman should be a shoe in. Id say the Iona type connections will be used against her heavily in weeks to come however

Rent boys in the Phoenix Park is nothing new for the Labour Party


Listened to the Duffy podcast there and I don’t see all the fuss tbh. O Rourke got rattled when he called RTÉ the MDH fan club. He is dead right on aib too.
I’m struggling to recall anything resembling a knockout blow.

Ah here.

The bit where he calls him a slow learner having commited repeated road offences, including passing out unsighted at high speed in a residential zone, despite seriously injuring a woman previously, fairly floored him.

From 40 years ago almost. The Oirish think O Rourke is paxman. I thought it was a cheap shot and didn’t register as anything. He was playing to the paddy begrudger simpleton by telling listeners it was a Porsche too which was completely irrelevant. He was rattled badly when Duffy brought up Pravda supporting twee.

O’Rourke is a smartarse.


He’s good though. Better than Pat Kenny, but only slightly less biased.

Joe Nash would have tested him.

I’m leaning towards Freeman for no reason other than she seems the least dislikesble.

Michael D - the Leo Varadkar of Oirish presidential campaigns. A D4 and Sunday Indo media darling who never gets asked the hard questions.

Gallagher - the defacto FF candidate so can’t vote for him.

Ni Riada - a Cork President? Ffs.

Gavin/Gavan/Liam Duffy - can change his name all he wants he’ll still be a cunt.

That Casey chap? A loon.

By process of elimination it looks like Freeman for me, even if I know nothing little about her.


Why did young William Duffy change his name?

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Back in the late 70s he claims some producer on pirate radio said it was too bland and needed to change it.