Presidential Election 2018


dont forget me.

Peter Casey was asked how his view that it’s easy to become rich in Ireland sits with voters at a time that other candidates are talking about homelessness.

"I’m sorry, if you’re being offered a free house you should take it.

And then you’ve got this ridiculous situation down in Tipperary. The poor council, or people of Tipperary, paid €1.7m to build six luxurious houses. We’re talking state of the art, solar panels, amazing finishes inside houses for the Travellers. And they won’t move in because they want stables for their horses. I mean how ridiculous have we become as a society where they are turning down beautiful, four-bedroom houses because they’re blackmailing the county council into giving them stables for their horses?

I’m sorry, there’s something seriously wrong with society."

I think the president can’t make statements contrary to government policy. Obviously when I am president I will not be making any statements contrary to government policy. I’ve got about seven or eight days to knock myself out here.

Somebody needs to sit up and say this is nonsense. We have given them luxurious houses and they are turning them down because they want stables.

Serious question: will @HBV now be voting for Peter Casey?

hes getting my number two

I’d say twitter went into meltdown after Casey made those comments.

This presidential campaign is a load of bollix. The president can’t do anything without approval from the government why are these candidates going on about how they will change things?

Whoever wins will be told go on up to the park and sit there and keep your mouth shut till we let ya out by the government.

Funnily I don’t think you will this time. There was more support for McGuinness the last time and he barely recovered the 200k. This time I’m afraid it’s an uphill struggle. She lacks the personality and battle hardiness for a gig like this.

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You no longer lose expenses in elections.
Fair play Casey. I think he’ll come second behind the Castro supporting sponger now.

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Lot of support for Casey out there.

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You mean anyone can claim back expenses ?
Sure what expenses would he have anyways?

I’ll be giving Peter Casey my no. 1.


After the block down on Adrian Tuohy all of Limerick will give him a vote .


Agreed, first name on the teamsheet for me.

Guffaw :rollseyes:

I wont be voting for Casey. I cannot support a candidate with those anti traveller views.

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seems to be an awful smear campagin against Michael D

I’m in a house here tonight and they’re all voting for Peter Casey.


Any sign of a dinner yet?. Even a sly photo will suffice.



Casey out to 250/1 now with Ladbrokes. The Castro loving sponger is in to 1/100.