Presidential Election 2018

This is the make or break debate tonight with regard to Higgins. If its moderated properly then we could see the end of his chances as he struggles to provide answers to his lies.

Liadh has disappointed me with her answers on wearing the vile pro-brit poppy. I find myself in the position of a voter without a place for his vote again.

The others are useless although Joan will get a vote from me. I have to say I am impressed with the numbers of people in my circle that had no intention of voting but will now be voting for Casey.


Higgins explaining already and not doing a proper job of it. He’s running with a bullshit story whilst hiding the fact that he lied through his dentures. What a prick. If he gets elected after this then the country is in a worse state than I have ever thought.

Casey lowering the blade

“He couldn’t lie straight in bed” :laughing: Hon Peter!


Casey must be on the drink again, slurring his words quite badly again tonight.

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You are vile


Higgins is head and shoulders above the rest of the candidates.


Is that the best MDH had to bat that away? Jesus.

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Is Gavin cuntballs wearing lipstick?

Who is the guy asking the questions?

Michael Ds driver



Casey romping it.

Tweeting mid debate! What a man

Casey is piss poor. If he had a few stats there he could have crushed the opposition. He is very badly prepared.

He’s the only one speaking truthfully.

Gallagher is a twat.

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Gallagher telling us what a great future has behind him…

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Gallagher is one tedious bastard. I’m a catalyst :smile: