Presidential Election 2018

I’m not clicking on that gutter rag, The Sun ffs :roll_eyes:

Mickey D is truly a 32 county republican, it’s been revealed in the other thread. No wonder Murdoch’s rag is so keen to slander him.

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Like all great socialists from history, Michael D lives in a lap of luxury and believes he should never have to answer to pesky commoners for it. At least the UCD latte-drinking gender studies and equality engineering set will get him over the line cos he’ll quote a poem they like


I’d never have guessed that they’d make up 66% of the electorate.

Peter Casey is now the 20/1 second favourite.

In the betting w/o Michael D he is joint fav with Sean Gallagher @ 6/5


The right thinking agrarian class has spoken. Peter the great should come out tonight and announce he’ll fight the bogs being closed and itd be pitchfork time at the aras if he doesn’t get elected

The “silent majority” are all rowing in behind Casey :smiley:

cc @dodgy_keeper

What percentage of the vote do you think he will get?

We are quietly confident

Queen snowflake is just quiet full stop. Again petrified of giving an opinion. On anything.

1/50 Mickey D?? Ah here hopefully the majority feel he’s such a cert they don’t bother voting for him at all.

Never said they did mate. Sure he has his buddies in RTE looking out for him too.

What are the chances of some shit hitting the fan tonight?


Don’t reply to that gimp.

At least 25% is my guess.

I think that but i want to see if @glasagusban will give an opinion. Not likely it seems.

What’s on tonight pal?

Think there’s another debate tonight

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