Presidential Election 2018

At least one Shinner is mate

It’s only business.

judging by the shite coming out of your dept lately, youre not either.

I got Peter Casey’s flyer in the letterbox this morning. It has a cartoon on it.

Throw it up there

I believe he spelled Áras as Arás

That cloud around the speech bubble looks like Higgins head :joy:


That’s the one. @anon61878697 beat me to it.

No one in tracksuits or pjs in that flock :clap:

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He is on the complete windup and Fiona Gormless fell for it :smile:

his included a flight from Dublin to Kerry on February 16 where Mr Higgins attended a concert in honour of poet Danny Sheehy.
After Mr Higgins disembarked, the Learjet returned to Baldonnel Airport in Dublin that evening before flying back to Kerry the next day.

what a horrible little lying pretend socialist bastard

its not that important that casey wins this, its probably unlikely that he will now. a few more weeks and it might have been possible, but we have taken back a little bit of ground. we put put the snowflakes back on their fucking holes. they know we are back in the game and they know we will be stronger when the next battle comes along. the cunts are back peddling.

Not so smug now is he?

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BMX (arse) bandit


he has savage weight put on since that photo

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Poll from the journal this morning .Fuck it if w had another 2 weeks we’d win it out

Peters charge up the polls reminds me of Monty Burns glorious attempt to run fir governor.
Monty came from nowhere to almost do it

@Matty_Hislop @HBV @Tim_Riggins

Sabinas personal assistant, deary me youd want to be right stupid to vote for these horrible lying pair of leeching cunts

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