Presidential Election 2018

I backed him at 16s last week. Delighted

Is anyone actually voting in this? I’d say the turnout will be rock bottom.

I can’t bring myself to vote for any of them.
MDH is a career long politician, who has achieved fuck all in said career, an old man fat from years of his snout in the trough.
Casey while entertaining is obviously a cunt.
Gallagher is completely devoid of anything resembling an original thought.
Duffy is an UUCOAM.
While I admire what Freeman has done in her private life she seems to be an absolute lightweight and I couldn’t possibly vote for anyone linked to those IONA loons.
O’Riada stands for nothing. The only thing I can remember her saying is that she’d wear a poppy. It’s a pity they didn’t put forward a proper candidate.

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Vote casey you lazy bastard. The look on miggledy and sabinas faces will be worth the effort as they are manhandled squealing from the trough.


Just vote for Casey for the craic.
They are all useless and at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter a fuck. At least Casey would rattle the fuck out of a few people.


I never backed him so I’ll be sick if he comes second

So its ok if he wins? :grin:

Get out and vote for pleasant pete

That’s easy for you to say stuck over in England taking the Queens shilling. The rest of us would be stuck with Casey for 7 years while he was drinking his way through the cellar in the Aras.


I doubt there’s much left in any fridge, freezer, cellar or safe.
I pay tax in oireland too bud. It galls me beyond belief that that fat little hypocritical lying entitled fucker miggledy will consume in seven more years more than most any of us will pay in a lifetime.

That’s hardly true in your case, in fairness?

Have you seen how much the cunt has rattled through?

But still, he’ll hardly consume more in 7 years than you, in a lifetime?

Sorry, I meant to say pay in tax.
That jet to Belfast, five or six people will have worked an entire year to pay for that.

The jet to Belfast cost €5,600. Are many people working for 1,120 annually?


Flatty needs to pay his servants a fair wage

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Thats 5.6k which would have paid margaret cash for 5 weeks.


Heading to Lanzarote in the morning. 1st time I won’t have exercised my democratic right. Couldn’t give a fook. More concerned with getting to see the county final on Saturday night.

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What exactly are you on about here? I haven’t seen you this hysterical before. What expenses? Do you think the costs of having a president are going into his pocket?

No but that’s the tax from 6 people’s annual salary… some poor misfortunes on minimum wage busting their hole and the fat turd uses the jet to Belfast and sends the driver up the road at the same time … a fat little lump of shit coming up with woeful poetry and wasting tax payers money to do it. Championing the less off for years supposedly and when he get’s in a position where he could use his voice to really rally the people or make the government think about certain measures he does nothing but stick his head deeper into the trough … the fact FF + FG were happy for him to go again says it all. And the fact the labour man is delighted with their backing tells you everything. A little cunt.


If someone says they’re a socialist, is that enough for you? No matter how much money they spend, how many people they kill, how many wars they start, how many economies they crash? It appears once someone claims to be a socialist you’re happy to back them to the hilt.