Presidential Election 2018

Where do you get that impression?

I hope Doherty re-enters public life again soon to add a bit of intellect to sinn twin’s offering. The party seems to have been really dumbed down in his absence.


That’s why the likes of @Bandage and I have stepped back from the party.

I don’t know, must have dreamt it. I suppose MDH hasn’t quite racked up the body count yet to be considered a true socialist hero so giving him a second term makes sense.

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Have a great holiday.

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Funny seeing the type of lads who would regularly rail against cronyism and expenses circling the wagons here because they’re a fan of Twee’s brand of substance free socialism.


Hear hear. I don’t know who I’m going to vote for yet, but it won’t be for that fat little pretend socialist shit anyway.

I was thinking about voting for Peter Casey alright, but the cunt pays no tax in Ireland and has spent the past week traversing our tax payer funded motorways to bash minorities. I’d be all for this if he honed in on the rubby crowd or one of the other hateful minority groupings but I’m quite fond of the travelers.

I don’t think I’ll vote for No Riada even though I like that it’s an anagram of In Da IRA.

Then there’s the other two dragons who are just a pair of absolute clownshoes.

I couldn’t countenance voting for Joan Freeman as she’s a batshit religious fundamentalist who’d try to force people to continue with unviable pregnancies to full term, while talking about helping people mentally out of the other side of her Dickie Rock replica mouth.

I’m really struggling.

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:clap: :clap: :clap:

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What exactly about Higgins are you trying to give out about? Some of you keep going on about expenses. Which ones? Do you think the cost of running the office of the president is down to Higgins eating too much?

Nobody knows fully because the chap won’t release.

Christ, can you not follow a thread of conversation? Seeing as you’re here on the ultra defensive for Twee you could at least come armed with a point or two.

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Ok. Has he spent more than the office of the president is allowed? Has he spent more than his predecessor? I’m sure there must be some basis to all this discussion on expenses.

On Ni Riada and Sinn Fein candidates in general, you’d think some PR or strategist involved in the party would at this stage have been able to draft a stock answer to deal with the IRA question.

I apologise for mentioning it in such glib terms as they commited some horrific atrocities, but my good pal @anon61878697 had a far better attempt to deal with it in one off the cuff paragraph on this thread or another like it yesterday than most Sinn Fein candidates have done in the various election campaigns in the past decade or more.

It needs is 5 or 6 concise sentences delivered with authority. Are they incapable of it?


Have you ever considered becoming a campaign started at or ministerial adviser? You have your finger on the pulse.

because socialist are generally really really stupid people, losers in fact. did you ever come across a smart socialist?

Here’s an example of someone who put a value on the public purse.

Twee’s gang brought their florist.


take that up with Uncle Sam, he has no say in that.

I love the “jet was just sitting there and had to be used” argument.

If it doesn’t have a proper use, we have to question why it is still there. A proper man of the people would make efforts to cut the fat on spending, not pile on the pounds himself and use the Jet so he could go to poetry recitals.

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I used to think Michael D was okay, but I hate him now and refer to him as Michael Twee.

Thanks TFK for opening my eyes.


That’s definitely a good point, there appear to be questions to answer as to why she was on the trip. Is that the only point against him? Is that what this is all about?

It wouldn’t be like you to do an about turn on something just to fit in with the prevailing mood in TFK.

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