Presidential Election 2018

@glasagusban and @Fagan_ODowd making absolute fools out of the angry gammons on here for the last 24 hours, top notch interneting.

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Hi mate

So Casey around 20%
LNR 10%
SG 12%
JF 5%
GD 3%

That’s 50% ---- MDH 50-54% is 4/1 - as is 55-59% … He surely lands in one of these.

Will Liadh get 10? Seems on the high side

Yeah, i’m being optimistic there … 8% more realistic. Gallagher more likely 10% … I see what you’re saying - MDH 55%-59% @4/1 CHARGE!!!

Low turn out but strong MDH vote being reported… Casey will get the after work vote.

Being reported by who? The media? :unamused:


Just voted for Peter there,all the Massey’s relations and friends are voting for Casey.He will win limerick county with ease,not sure about the townies. Expect a lot of hand wringing in the media over the next while .


This week in the Sunday Independent:
What does the Peter Casey vote say about us as a nation?


Exactly, wont someone think of the childre.
Are we a nation of racists?
Why is there such a rural urban divide?

Why are crow bangers making a revival?

And Kathryn Thomas on how motherhood has changed her perspective on life



And Amy Huberman tells us how she eats yoghurt sometimes


Much to be said on the topic of bookie odds for elections.

Firstly, bookies don’t really care too much about who actually wins, so longoing as they have their book balanced correctly so they make a profit margin. This means that professional politics gamblers who will typically bet on the mainstream politician favourites weigh massively on the books. Those guys are small in number but make massive bets at shit odds. Peter Casey backers are big in number but typically make tiny bets for great odds.

For example during the US election Hillary was the favourite even though the actual number of bets on Trump was far greater. The bookies didn’t mind so long as their ledger balanced.

When it actually comes to election day the number of bets placed is actually a better forecast than the total volume of money bet (because each vote on election day has equal worth). That looks very good for Casey.

PP odds may have been influenced by polls but they’re primarily approaching these things from a strictly mathematical point of view and getting the book to balance with a little profit no matter who wins. Odds for Casey shortened quickly after the online polls at the start of the week but that might have been the result of big time players seizing the opportunity and throwing a lot of money down quickly. Or maybe not.

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Slow turnout, mdh won’t like that. Not sure his fans love him as much as he thinks. It’s all the Casey voters battling the conditions to get out and vote.


Big traveler turnout in support of Casey, I’m hearing.

Brisk turn out at lunchtime there in my blue rinse polling station

Fixed for you

An awful lot of very very nervous snowflakes out there right now.

What percentage does Casey need to get for a complete meltdown ??