Presidential Election 2018



I might post “voted for MDH, fuck the taxpayer” and see if she blames Miggeldy for it


A vote for Casey is a vote for the middle classes and a statement that we’re sick of footing the bill for social welfare scroungers, people before profit types and occupy Dublin gimps.


I couldn’t convince my life partner to vote for anyone other than Twee. While I’m naturally ashamed of myself, I didn’t give up and adopted “plan B”. Told her it was going to be a Twee landslide and it was awfully cold outside when I was voting. She doesn’t think she’s going to vote now. We need to be dexterous and determined today. This battle isn’t over until 10pm. Every vote for Casey and non vote for Twee could yet be crucial.


Christ this has given me a serious pep in my step, half 9 in the morning and the snowflakes and the lesbians are already frothing at the mouth .

Next August in Croke Park . President Peter Casey shaking hands with Limerick forward Peter Casey will be one for future sports trivia .


You should burn her passport and driving licence just to make sure




I brought them with me to work. She’ll get them back at end of part one of the Late Late Show.



18% or Higher seems a decent price

I would have thought around 15-17% would be where he lands … 3/1 is a huge price … is he really polling that well that he’s looking at 20%? - A rural backlash against traveller crime I suppose.

He’s gonna get at least 20% and probably far higher

He’ll eclipse 18% enjoy the winnings.

Put your serious hat on for a minute please, this is about money …

Are Paddy Power going off these online Polls that Casey has been winning … he was at 2% in nearly all official polls carried out last week.

The main stream media are LIARS!!!

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Yes. Yes they are… but there’s lies then there’s LIES… Bookies are never too far off tho but i’d still be amazed if he got near 20% - but then again, the home to vote crowd are no where to be seen. Most snowflakes think MDH has it won and wont bother voting … a low turnout and anything is possible…