Presidential Election 2018

I suppose you’ll lick the table top will you you big rough ignorant oirish bastard.

Just cast my ballots. Polling station very busy. Lot of working people home from work #hometovote

Vote yes as it protects us agin terrorists.
As a Roman Catholic I’m comfortable to have it removed anyway as as the man says sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.

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The hookers here are shite any tips?


Some internet people are speculating that Casey is over 25%

I had a few pre meal glasses of Beaujolais felt like a change of track

Anyone venture to comment whether this is good or bad for the incumbent?

I’ll make sure and tell them

It said “Entrepreneur, Disability Advocate, Former Youth Worker”. I’m happy to report I gave him the all-important #4.

Low everywhere but looks to be a bit higher in the country. I’ll go with;

The incumbent 55%
KC 20%
The rest of em 25%


The Kinahan/Hutch feud the cause of the poor turnout :see_no_evil:

This presidency matters not a fuck here right now. It’s a fucking joke position. Let the little jew hating property speculating socialist poet have it. The fat little horrid cunt.
What s important here is that the media and the permanently outraged have been put back on the fucking holes for the first time in a long time.
The Margaret Cash fiasco was actually the watershed moment for Oireland.
We are at the beginning of something big here.


Just in there, a yes #jesuis and a number one for the leader.

i strode purposefully into my local west dublin polling station, the young lady at my designated table was buried fully in an early version large screen iphone, she took my card and tore of the the ballots. Didn’t ask me for id, engrossed instead in Chelsea or Charlenes latest pregnancy scare. For a fleeting moment i thought i might slip through the cracks, and with a quick change of attire return to vote twice, to double down on peter the great. I felt as my grandfather must have felt in his youth, cycling through south galway calling at several polling locations to vote for multiple fianna fail candidates. Sadly, my hopes were dashed as she shrugged temporarily from her semi catatonic state and said ‘oh yeah, i better mark you off here’ her ruler and pencil drawing a line underneath my nefarious, yet noble, plans


:joy: :clap:

Hon Higgins :ronnyroar:

Casey at 21% as per Red C exit Poll.

SF tanking again.

Sin fein vote halved

Higgins was 70% 5 days ago.

Peter Casey with a 60% first preference vote in the Rathkeale electorial area. The people are rising up against the traveller free for all "culture "