Presidential Election 2018

This. @dodgy_keeper, what would your invite list look like? The limerick hurling team, man Yoo and jedward?

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And we have the perfect mouthpiece from the establishment to deliver it. Our upcoming anniversaries will be as big a whitewash as the so-called celebrations of 1916.

There weren’t any “so-called celebrations” of 1916 numbnuts.

“To mark the centenary of 1916, the Government has provided €22million in 2015 for a number of major flagship capital projects, which will be completed by Easter 2016.

The programme includes seven strands; State Ceremonial; Historical Reflection; An Teanga Bheo/The Living Language; Youth and Imagination; Cultural Expression; Community Participation; Global and Diaspora.

Highlights include:

  • A major exhibition of 1916 archival material at the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin.

  • ‘Proclamation Day’, which will be held in all schools on March 15th 2016.

  • The National Flag and a copy of the Proclamation will be delivered to every school in the country.

  • A series of State commemorative events, including a parade from Dublin Castle to Parnell Square on Easter Sunday 2016 and a special State Reception for relatives.

  • Seven new public projects at the GPO, Kilmainham Gaol, Pearse’s Cottage, the Military Archives and other sites.

  • A multi-location public event, to be broadcast on television on Easter Monday 2016, telling the story of Ireland, through music, dance, drama and song.

  • A series of conferences on ‘1916 through our universities.’

  • Cultural events around the globe, to be co-ordinated through Irish embassies and Culture Ireland, including cultural festivals in Washington and London.”

Speaking at the launch of Ireland 2016 in Collins Barracks on March 31st 2015, Taoiseach Enda Kenny said: “There are some moments in history when a seed is sown and the old order changes forever.

"Easter 1916 was a moment when Irish nationalism joined forces with a revolutionary cultural and language movement to forge an irresistible campaign towards self-determination.

“It is important that the Irish people have the opportunity to come together to celebrate and have pride in Ireland’s independence, and to honour those who gave their lives so that the dream of self-determination could become a reality”.

Very good. You’ve illustrated my point, thank you.


Don’t forget the 5 minute video that included David Cameron and the queen but none of the gpo seven

That was a disgrace. They got slated for it and pulled it though, and rightly so.

Aw, did I upset you again pet? I’d love to say I’m sorry, but you know yourself.

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No you didn’t, I just corrected you. You can carry on now.

But you didn’t petal, you just came across as angry and bitter. I suppose now that poppy season is almost over, something else has to keep you going.

Grand. As long as you learned where you went wrong.

I went wrong when I replied to your drivel. Now fuck off.

At least now you’re better educated than you were this morning, you can sleep soundly on that. You’re welcome.