Presidential Election 2018

The pink pound

Imagine if Casey called all guards scumbags. Hed be hung because hes a settled.

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Just watching the inauguration now on RTE.

Some collection of establishment lickspittle’s present. Regina Doherty, Paschal Donogue, Zappone, Bertie, McAleese, Robinson, Leo, Martin and co.

They’ll have a good feed tonight at the tax payers expense.


Tis fair fucking drab .

Mickey D could have worn a nicer tie.

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You’re surprised to see the only two living ex Presidents, the Prime Minster, a former Prime Minister, the leader of the Opposition and two Cabinet Ministers there? Who did you expect was going to be at it?


Gravy stains all over his other ones


Is that Pat Rabbitte there or a lookalike?



Mary McAlesse falling asleep.

Whats the story with Higgins’ fake british accent? Seems to get worse every time I hear the bollix talk.


John Kiely, JP McManus and Jimbob


You’re like @Cicero_Dandi light.

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You’re like @dodgy_keeper lite


He sounds like graham norton’s gay spinster aunt

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Ha. He does indeed. What a fucking toad he is. I couldn’t bring myself to listen to it or watch the charade. A clusterfuck of cunts on the stage telling us how wonderful higgins will be during his term of office. And the sight of that robinson thing.

A very difficult presidency awaits. Some important anniversaries that need to be handled sensitively

What was the story at the end of the speech it was like the end of the wedding with Higgins and his Mrs leading the way down the aisle and the 2 bridesmaids Varadkar and Coveney behind them.

Wonder was there a free bar afterwards for the great and good of Ireland?

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That was awful for her … she looks wrecked. She got second wind just before he finished