Only a bit of banter.
He did badly need a booster seat… he looked ridiculous.
6 people in a group, who the fuck is leaking it? — Irish people are fucking retarded when it comes to leaking texts - what the fuck is wrong with people?
the other candidates are fucked if they are going after Michael D’s pet dogs.
They’ve got nothing on him. He’s a good campaigner. The dirty prick
Castro was a great man.
Shit stirrers thats what we are a nation of. Anything to cause a bit of trouble.
In fairness in a group of six Sinn Feiners 5 are probably informers.
No, he was an animal.
One of the greatest statesmen who has ever lived.
We could all be great if we brutalised any opposition
So you don’t like dictators?
Democracy is a failed concept.
Is this having Dominic’s as your esteemed leader?
It is a fairly narrow demographic of potential leaders
It says Gerry Adams was not a member of this WhatsApp group .
Yeah you’re right. Dictators are the way to go. They never go wrong
Castro didn’t.
+1. Who were the six @anon61878697?
Austin Stack will be seething that the papers are finding a different way to attack the “new breed” of SF candidate.
I have no idea