Pubs opening

He’ll be sentenced to the Isolation room for his sins.

There will be some amount of fingering going on in that isolation room.


The isolation room will be the new smoking area.

A month

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Nothing about pool in the guidelines


Holohan was asked about it yesterday he said no playing back table, only one shot on the black and stickpocket required for unvaccinated adults.


I love pool.


Don’t share the chalk

Sounds like the drunk tank at Wesley disco.

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“Shots don’t carry” could be a nice tag line for the whole thing really


I was on a stag in Dingle one time and the bouncers in the hillgrove put a lad who was too drunk on a stool and told him he couldn’t leave for 20 mins. Like a bold corner


And this cute little cuddle bug here is pancreatic cancer.

Best pub in Ennis for food, bit of sport on TV and a good ventilation strategy lads?

Knox’s ticks all your boxes pal

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I’ve not played pool in nearly two years

First proper drinking session since things opened up a bit.

Pulled into Ennis around 6pm after a day chasing cattle on the foothills of the Burren. TB tested passed so the form was good. The mother had a lovely bit of dinner for us at 1pm but that was well digested at this stage so landed into Knoxs and got a grand bit of pub grub and a pint. Certs and photo ID required. A grand experience.

Off to the Lucas bar then where we spent the vast majority of the evening swamping pints and catching up with fellas. Covid has had different impacts on fellas, some have lost weight got fit others have let themselves go to fuck. Table service is a great job… Mighty comfort in it.

Onto Cruises then for a bit of live music. Strict enough with covid checks on the door but managed to get all in. Once you got in it seemed more or less pre covid business as normal. More organised queues for the bar and a bit of token mast wearing on way to toilets… I’d say they were also controlling numbers as there was plenty room.

It was great to see people mingling and the return to the randomness of a night out.

Landed out onto the street at 1am and it was carnage. About 500 young folk swarming around, some incident with an ambulance and cops assisting, lads singing songs, a few minor scuffles. Great to see.

We’re nearly there lads.


Great to hear this, people out from under the bed, Holohan and those mask wearing lock down freaks can go fuck themselves, there is no going back

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Season tickets for Angel Lane are available now.


Went into the Poitin Still for the big roaster dinner yesterday.

Covid Cert taken but carvery served as normal. The Bar section for the locals was back with about 10 lads AT the bar.

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What’s it like in there now? Haven’t been in years. Friend bought a house out that way and wants me to head out some Saturday.