Pubs opening

Ryans is only a cod.

Well, t’was an oasis on what was turning out to be a BH Sunday evening where Dublin was doing its best to suck the joy from itself.

Ryan’s is a state of mind.

Haven’t heard that mentioned anywhere. It would be great if that reasoning was publicised so that it could be ridiculed.

The day of the pub crawl is gone, for the moment at least. Tis hard enough get into wan place

More than likely Peter let you in. Sound fella.

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Dear Laz

There has been a lot of media conversation about ticketing requirements for pubs, late bars and nightclubs over the past few days. Considerable confusion has been caused by position changes in government as to what is required. We have got diametrically opposed messages at different meetings within an hour of one and other.

I am going to set out below what we know at this point but this comes with a health warning – until we see the actual legal regulation we cannot be definitive. That legal regulation is not likely to be available before Thursday.

Ticketing will only be required where dancing is involved. You can still have music in your pub, either live or with a DJ, without ticketing provided there is no dancing.

What we were informed of this morning is as follows:

  • Ticketing must be electronic
  • Tickets must gather information to allow compliance with contact tracing
  • Tickets must be purchased at least 1 hour in advance of arrival at the venue
  • There can be no congregation at the entrance to venues

Before anybody asks I can confirm that we pointed out the madness associated with these:

  • Congregation (queues) takes place in public places and venue owners have no control or jurisdiction in these areas
  • Many customers make last minute decisions to stay out when out and how will these be catered for?
  • How will traditional bars that operate normally and then morph into a late bar operate? Will they need to put everybody out to gain re-entry on a ticketed basis? The reply from government officials is that the sector will have to work that out for themselves

All of this is due to come into play next weekend. We pointed out that most late night venues do not have ticketing systems and a period of at least two weeks will be needed to meet the requirements. No commitment was given by the officials on this request.

This process has been a complete and utter shambles and really an embarrassment. There has been some government spin that these regulations are coming into effect after consultation with the sector giving the impression that they have been “agreed”. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are handed down despite the strongest of opposition.

At the same time as this is going on we are very mindful of the contradictions in various regulations. The Taoiseach referred last week to “anomalies”. We all accept that there are anomalies from time to time – it is the scale of the anomaly that leads to utter disbelief, confusion and eventually make compliance more difficult.

When you can have 100% capacity available in a night club and not allow a number of people sit socially distanced at a bar counter that becomes more than an anomaly. It becomes unacceptable. That is being pursued at present.

Finally, we have been talking to a number of ticketing companies and will have an update and contact details tomorrow on options in this regard


Covid loves dancing.

You’ll need to plan a night out like a military operation.

There was a wide variety of rule interpretations in Dublin City Centre last weekend. At this stage people know it’s a cod and will go along with it but vast majority of bars are same as before except bar staff have masks and earlier on in night you may be asked for a cert.

It’s also not clear where you will be let in without a booking - some places seemed to only let in people with bookings.

I was in the Foggy Dew in Temple Bar on Saturday. No standing but they crammed in as much seating as possible. Also little ventilation and a lot of heat.

The Button Factory afterwards was similar.

Hope all the vaccines hadn’t run out.

Plenty of standing in Devitts. It was rammed.

50 yards down street in Whelans you had to sit at table and not go near the bar. It was empty.

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How long are you required to store data for contact tracing etc? Is that guildline in accordance to GDPR legislation?


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Voodoo in Cark operating as a late bar and not a nightclub tonight. They don’t have the ticket system in place yet so there will be no dancefloor open.

Seems like a decent work around.

Scan the ticket on arrival and take money on the door.


Good to see some outside the box thinking.


So basically from now on if you do to a bar with a late licence you must pay for the privilege?

on top of the €6/7 per drink?

It’s lunacy.