Pubs opening

You think ventry was busy last night or what ? :joy:

Read you simple cunt, read slowly.

Are you ok? You seem very angry.

Bursting for a shite…

Let alone drinking in a pub. Soon you won’t be able to drink in your own gaff.

Fuck off ye cunts.

@Fagan_ODowd you’ll be boot legging beer before the end of the month. Get brewing

It’ll be like the Simpsons episode with the bowling alley :joy:

I have a batch on the go, though fermentation is slow because of the fall in temperature and another batch ready to go as soon as that is bottled. Together with a few large jars of blackberry whiskey and sloe gin.

Ashford Castle which is in both Galway and Mayo remains open.

You’d wonder where they get these guys from.

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Jaysus there’ll be a rush on the fucking off licences now and I can’t stock pile. I’ll only drink it all

Two things will happen if they close the off licences. 1. Illicit imports from the North. 2. Increased drug taking and fatalities at house parties.


The state of that Robert Troy.

Facking hellfire.

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Unintended consequences

Ah close everything. Might as well. Fuck everyone who’s followed the rules and might want an aperitif (cc @Fagan_ODowd) or anything else to feel like a human

I’ve done a stock take and I have the following

  • a box of corona
  • half box of carlsberg
  • 1 can of Guinness
  • 1 can Rough Wave IPA

I need to get to the Supermarket tonight

And they’ll lose taxation from alcohol sales.

There’ll be an amount of vans going around selling alcohol

Are those hurls belonging to Christy Helebert?