Pubs opening



Sean O’Brien is a co-owner so there might be piss in it



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You rascal…

Are you saying people are paying €10 for a takeaway pint of Guinness?

No 7.50 :pint:

The country is awash again. Would a few cans not do ye?

A fool and his /her money …

During lockdown 1 it was definitely €15 for those takeaway pints* from the Bridge. I’m not sure if the €7.50 version is a full pint

@Lazarus what’s the latest soundings. Judging by recent murmurings it’s not looking good for pubs for Christmas, hope I’m wrong

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Leo has already said theres no hope for us really. VFI are saying we need the figures to be under 100 coming into December to have any hope. There was talk of all the Hospitality groups coming together to increase the pressure on Govt but the restaurants look like going it alone. If they allow restaurants open then they must allow pubs that serve food be open and if its a case that only pubs that serve food can open you can be assured every pub in Ireland will be open. Should have some clear idea at the 4 week point

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That bird from Hugo’s will surely be on the telly some night this week talking about it.


A fucking dose


Will you get in the pizza oven this time?

I am ready to rock whatever the decision is


Fingers crossed for you.

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Cases be way under 100 by start of December id imagine.

If they want them to be!

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What? They were charging 15 quid for a takeaway pint? Is that what your telling us

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