Pubs opening

Itā€™s Minister for Childeren, as the man would say himself

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If we alllow the wet pubs to open over Christmas, there will be some yahooing and social distancing will go out the window, particularly down the country.

But then thereā€™ll be another lockdown in January so why not?

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Most pubs in roodle Ireland will open on Christmas Eve Stephens day regardless of whatever Dr Tony ā€˜recommendsā€™. Its by far their busiest time of year, they rely on it

I think if they went level three start of December. Then level one from say a week before Christmas until the 2nd of Jan and just said have fucking at it lads because ye are going back into lockdown until the end of January at least. We could all live with that. We could do a nationwide dry January and a national couch to 5k or something as well


Level 3 from night after the AI football final would be fine.

I was just thinking that. Communicate going back into lockdown the second week of January but let us at it in those weeks.

I canā€™t see them doing that though.

Would they even be allowed do that?

They are the government. They can do what they want pretty much.

But there will still be a requirement to social distance, hand wash etc. They are not going to depart from that.

But if they donā€™t police itā€¦

Weā€™ve already gone WAY beyond what a government should be able to do IMO

Iā€™m not so sure how that would wash with people if they are saying we are going back into lock down regardless in early January. Busy pubs would struggle to get people to work for just 10 or 12 days too Iā€™d imagine.

Ye need to accept the zero COVID strategy lads. Yeā€™re only torturing yourselves.


There mightnā€™t be a pub in Ireland without Sky Sports next year :innocent: :grin:

Licence Band Sky & Other Providers

As licences are now being issued by Revenue with excise duty showing zero, third parties such as Sky, IMRO etc have no way of knowing which licence band a pub falls under to determine fees. Some members will be in a lower band than last year, so should pay lower fees but will have difficulty proving to Sky this fact.

We contacted Revenue about this issue. They replied as follows:

ā€œThe position where 3rd parties have used the rate at which Excise Licence Duty was paid as an indicator of the turnover of their clients business and a mechanism on which to base their charges is not something that forms any part of Revenueā€™s remit or legislation. It is up to those companies to select appropriate mechanisms on which to base their charges.

ā€œLicensees or their agents will most likely have kept copies of their renewal notices where they have declared their turnover to Revenue for renewal of their licences and perhaps the 3rd parties you mention could explore this further.ā€

On that basis you should engage with these service providers at licence renewal, advise them of your changed circumstances and that the Band you are now in will be the basis of any payment.

In the meantime, we are making contact with these organisations to try to get an overall approach to this issue.

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Remind me again. How much a month is average pub paying Sky

A pub with Sky BT etc would be looking at about 1300 to 1500 pm on average

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Need an IPTV service that can overlay a pint logo onto their feed

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Draw it on the screen with tipp ex!

The pint logo is going to be replaced by an outline of a ā‚¬9 chicken wrap

The pint logo moves from corner to corner now because pubs bought clear stickers and stuck them in the bottom corner

Ha. Cunts.