Pubs opening

At least there will be some place to go.

Will ye winos ever fuck off with yer ovens, kitchens, casbahs and parlours.

The Junta has said no pubs open.


Post reported you junta Cunt

Yere like battered wives at this stage

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There’s talk of revolution on my wassap chat group

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Ye need to chip together and hire a serous spin team who just keep banging the drum about hard data and the dangers of household gatherings with no pubs.

Gearoid wants his cousin sentenced to DELETION from Dáil Éireann


Very important the food is cooked on site from an immunology point of view

Gave the VFI anything up their sleeves like mass disobedience? Ill give pubs a dig out to help

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what is being done to the pubs, is one of the most disgraceful episodes since the foundation of the state


Ye’d want to do something ffs. Kick up a bit of a fuss and at least get bought off


We shall see

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Highlight the fact that this means many town will be left with very few or no venue open. Meaning either everyone will be in the same premises or else having house parties.

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It’s very simple really, we are moving to level three, but level three now contains three levels of its own.


The Irish have a terrible problem with the drink.

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Pub in Athy caught serving around 15 people in a shed out the back. Would they lose the licence or just get a hefty fine?

In the current climate they’ll probably be shot